Written Scramble

Friday, October 13, 2006

I HATE having the cold.

I have a cold, blech, again. Complete with the stuffy nose, pounding headache, and tiredness to go along with it. To make it worse I still go to school, which means getting up for the zillionth time I'll have to get up and go to get a tissue to stop a runny nose or to blow it, and it's embarrassing to say the least. I don't know why but it is. Last night (with the cold) I was so tired that I had tried to sleep, but it didn't work, so I read in bed in my pj's from about 4:00-6:00 then slept for half an hour. Then got up and with my blanket curled up on the couch and watched cartoons until my dad came home with McDonald's. After that I still had a headache and it was time for bed anyway so me and the blanket went back to my room and after about half an hour of fighting with the headache to go to sleep, I feel asleep, just to wake up the next morning.
The cold also affected me doing homework. I couldn't read the Romeo and Juliet Act One Scene Two that I had to read (luckily it's not due till Monday), or read this section in my socials book on this guy's opinion on why girls should be aloud into the medical schools, and then write about it, but I couldn't concentrate, or focus on the words so that was left unfinished, the only one but still.
My kitty Pepper (known by my friends as the large fat lazy cat) jumped on the couch to lay beside me, but when I went to hug her she jumped onto the back of the couch (yes she can do that) and jumped down (without so much as a thud, so HA). But she came back latter (aka when I had food). She also scratched at the sliding door to our balcony because she wanted out, and that gave me a headache, and it was to cold to have the door open (in my opinion anyway). That and I was to lazy to get off the couch to open it.
So that's my journey with this cold. Gaaaaaaaaaaack I hope it goes away soon, I don't like colds, I sound funny, my nose is plugged, and my head hurts. Not to mention that when I get sick I can become cranky yet clingly, so that's not good either, but those to different moods only happen at home, so no one has to worry.

Writers Block AKA Aurum.


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