Written Scramble

Monday, October 16, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

OK I changed my mind DON'T LET IT SNOW! But that's not what I'm talking about. My friends must think I'm crazy, talking about snow when we don't even have it as cold as ten degree's yet. To everyone else in the town I live in, were just starting our autum weather, the rain. But no me, oh no, I have to be diffrent. I went to put left over pizza in the fridge to see some white stuff in the back of the fridge, I called my dad over who told me that it was frost, I disagreed, I said it was ice. To prove I was right I reached out and touched it. Sure enough we were both wrong, it was snow, the wet not good for anything snow. Sticky snow's alright, but it wasn't sticky snow. AND THIS WAS IN MY FRIDGE! FRIDGE! That's just not natural!
And to the comment one of my friends made on my kitty, Pepper didn't 'splant' when she landed, she landed gracefully on the ground, on all four paws without so much as a sound (I'm sure the people who live beneth us would disagree). And to the rest of my friends who think it's amazing that she jumps onto the seating part of the couch without difficulty, I have to tell you she can also jump onto the back of the couch from the floor without difficulty. So HA!
And for a rant today I pick my lastest creation: the "Why are we taking God out of HIS holiday's?" Rant, so here goes:
I was sitting at home the other day watching cartoon's (not unusul) when a comercial for the station came on. It went something like 'In two months the jolly fat guy brings you presents, in six months the rabbit brings you candy. But this month is hallowe'en and we have enough excitment that you won't want presents for another two months or candy for another six months. Or almost'. I found that down right disrespectful! I mean Christmas (not X-mas but CHRISTMAS) is not about a Jolly Fat Guy breaking into you house to give you gifts, but the fact that Jesus was born. Yes we exchanged gifts and all, but saying it's all about the gifts is stupid. Christmas has become extreamly materialistic. And on the the 'six months' one. Easter is not about the Easter Bunny breaking into your house to give you chocolates, but it's the fact that Jesus died for us, and then came back to life, and all we can think about is chocolate and candy. I'm ashamed with us (notice I include myself in that statment). So Christmas and Easter has become less about God and Jesus and celibrating what they have done, and are doing for us, but more of want-want-want, and gimme-gimme-gimme. That's not right.
Ok that was my rant. I have more to add to the list of rants, like the "New's is depressing" rant, my "If you shoot a police officer you should get the same sentance as you would if you shot a civilian" rant, and my "CSI Miami is a nockoff of CSI, and CSI New York is a nockoff to the nockoff of CSI, and the people who created it are greedy" rant. Yes I have strong oppionions (that no one seams to agree with).
Oh I wrote a new peom today called 'Three Years Hence'. And unless you go to my school, and know were me and my friends sat it probibly won't make sence to you. But to the people who know what I'm talking about here it is:
Three Years Hence
It's amazing how time
Can change a thought.
For example four months past
Me and my friends swore,
At the end of the year,
That our sitting spot
Was ours for three years hence,
But summer came,
And summer went,
Our magical spot
Has lost it's magic
It's of no imprtant thought to us
But to others in that magical year
Who claim it for
Three years hence.
Again you'd have to know what I'm talking about to understand that.

Writers Block AKA Aurum


  • At 10:22 p.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    Wow. I really like "Three Years Hence". As soon as FP is up, you should publish it. :)

    ~ Terra

  • At 10:14 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    Your kitty needs weight watchers. :P


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