Written Scramble

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Teachers take all the fun out of long weekends.

Serously! They see a long weekend and their first thought is 'Oh how much homework can I give my students this time?' It's not fare! Just cause they still have to go to work (cause most long weekends teachers have to work), they won't let us relax eather. My english teacher is making us read Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Scene's 1 2 and 3, and then answer questions on it; my social studies teacher is making us write a 500 word essay on the pro's of confederation; and my math teacher is making us research an object and write a report on that, and I got landed with a deep fryer! Luckly the worst teacher I have, my planning teacher, just earned a better spot in my 'liking subjects' book by not giving us homework over the weekend. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like writing, or being on the computer (research) or reading (even Romeo and Juliet), but it's the fact that it's all on one weekend all due on Monday!
Though I might not be alive on Monday to hand it in. One of my friends (I'll give the people who know me a hint, her names begines with a K and ends an I) will probibly kill me for all the spelling mistakes in here alone (and I might kinda perpusly send her an e-mail full of wrongly spelt words). And my other friend (if she's want's to be mean enough, and again the clue G and E), well I can't say to much, she might read this and catch on to what I'm planning (don't worry no party crashes or anything. Just a little fun thing).
Oh and (G and E) I read that comment you posted a while back (like last blog or the one before that) about my kitty needed weight watchers! Pepper does not need weight watchers, she's just big boned and the rest is kitten fat. Really.
I wasn't very happy at one point today, I was watching a tv show (Creepy Canada) about all the ghosts stories in Canada (not all at once, three or four per eposode), and today it was three stories and two of them based in the states!
And their it is, my updated blog entry thing. And no new things to add to the list of rants, but if anyone ever wants to here/read on of my rants that was their, just ask and I'll post it.
Writers Block AKA Aurum.


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