Written Scramble

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sudden Memories.

It's been strange lately. I've been having memory flash backs, of like everything. Like the other night, I had suddenly remembered about this time in fifth grade when the first Harry Potter came out, that me and my friends would pretend we were witches in Hogwarts, and we used those wax coverings on cheese to make a wax substance and say that we were going to use it on Malfoy to get rid of his hair, then erase his memory so we wouldn't get in trouble, I remember that, yet I can't remember for the life of me, who the girls I was with were.
Oh then the other day I was suddenly reminded of the stupidest thing that I don't even know why I even remember it. It was a long time ago (I don't even know how old I was), in Fort St. John (so I had to be under the age of nine), my mom had to go in the bank, and while she was their I sat in the truck, and I was imitating the walking light, seeing if I could get people to stop if I flashed my hand like the cross light, and this couple crossing the street, actualy saw me, but they thought I was waving at them.
Oh and today I was working in the church nursery (toddler room actualy) and I was reading some Jay Jay the Jet Plane books to this little boy, when I was suddenly reminded of a book series I read in the secound grade. I can't remember what it was called, or who the characters were, only that their was this boy, who was invisible, but it wasn't his fault, he had fallen into this water that turned him and the clothes he was wearing at the time invisible. His dog fell in too, except for the tale, so the all but the tale of the dog was invisble too. You could tell were the boy was when he wore diffrent clothes then the one that he was wearing when he fell in. I used to think they were so cool.
Anyway, I'm happy to report that I lived through my friends birthday party (I was thinking I might have experienced her wrath). The reason I say that is because I took her birthday gift, wrapped it in wrapping paper, then newspaper, and repeted for five times so their was about seven layers (4 wrapping paper 3 newspaper) then used lots of tape on the last layer, and tapped everything down on the card, so their was no way to get into the card. I lived, I'm happy, but then my friend is nice.
Well that's all for now,
Writers Block AKA Aurum


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