Written Scramble

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Guy's are just to flippen tall.

I've just started noticing that. All the guys in my school (or 99%) of them are giants. Last year most were the same height as one of my friends (they'd be midget's if they were my height), and now over the summer their tall. One guy is the same height as the lockers! I can't even touch the top of my locker, (unless I stand on the bottom of it and jump). And the stairs for most people it's a processes of using the rail for both balance and grip and force your legs to go two at a time, but not for this guy in my math class, he takes them as naturally as if it was one step! Now I'm sure all of my friend have already noticed this and are thinking "It's taken you this long to figure that out?" Well I don't usually pay attention to that kind of stuff.
Oh funny thing happened in english today. First the teacher made a big mistake and gave some of the boys toy swords (who really does that, gives toy weapons to immature teenage boys?), cause they were going to act out Act 3 Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet, their were two people playing one character each. One saying it in Old English, and one saying it in normal english. So that took most of the class. That was fun, really. Then after that was over we were allowed to relax, but had to stay in our desks. Well next to my group of desks (two desk to a group 4-5 groups in a row) is the wall, (closer to the guy next to me), and on that wall was this huge BUG! One person had went "Hey look" so everyone looks, and their was a big "Oh gross" from the class, and all the girls in my row and the row next to mine, moved their chairs as far as we could without getting to far from our desks. One girl said to the guys in my row, "Well who's going to be the brave man and kill it." but no one wanted to because it was a stink bug (a BIG stink bug), so finally the smallest guy in our row, asks to borrow my chair, grabs some Kleenex and standing on the chair, grabs the bug (in the Kleenex), and tries to toss it out the window (without dropping the Kleenex). Amazingly the bug staid on the Kleenex and would not fall off no matter how hard the guy shook the Kleenex. Then the bug jumped or something onto his shirt, and he half screamed dropping the Kleenex (inside) and batting the bug off. This time using the Kleenex he dropped it in the trash can. It was a great way to end the day.



  • At 11:17 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    Oh for grade eight, we were taller than some of them then.
    actually, never mind it would be weird if they were still short and they look better if tall.

    English class sounds fun, it makes me wish that we hadn't gone through Romeo and Juliet so fast.

  • At 9:42 a.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    I agree with Gabe. We never got to do sword fight in our English class. But our sub did do one scene with Romeo and Juliet - on his own! It was hilarious.

  • At 9:42 a.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    I agree with Gabe. We never got to do sword fight in our English class. But our sub did do one scene with Romeo and Juliet - on his own! It was hilarious.

  • At 10:48 p.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    It WAS hilarious, that.


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