Written Scramble

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dear Diary, er Blog, er uh wha....?

Have you ever noticed a blog is basicaly like your diary. You write down everything that happens durring your day or day's (if you don't update regularly). Which basicaly means your pouring all your secrets out onto a machien! On which everyone can read. It's sort of imbarrising if you think about it. I guess you have to be carefull what your write in you blog (coughdiarycough). It's odd.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh guess what!! Tomorrow (November 1st) is the start of the NaNoWriMo compitition! For those of you who don't know NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's a compition were all through the month of November you write a novel to be submited by the end of the month (Midnight Nov. 30th), with 50,000 words. I have my story basicaly all planned out, just need an ending. Stupid ending!!! Oh the crazy thing about this compitition is that they don't actualy read your work (infact they almost request you code it so no one can steal you story), they just do a word count and give you your prize if you reach the 50,000 word mark. The prize is a certificat and a computer icon. And a story that you had to write without editing (which means after it's done, I'm going to do some basic editing send it to one of my wonderful friends {coughkaelicough} who is kind enough to do spelling editing, and then to another kind friend {coughstephcough} for structure editing and such. Of course thats if they agree.). And whatever you want to do with the story after that is up to you (see the reason for the passing of the story for editing is that i might {if it's good enough} get it published {or try to anyway}).
I have desided that planning class is terrible! The teacher talks in this phony french accent, doesn't really know what he's teaching (really we seam to know more then he does), and gets peoples names wrong! And he teachs in such a wierd way that it's impossible to understand. I think last years Bible teacher would be better suited to teach the class (at least he know what he was talking about, not to mention so easy to distract).
Well I'm getting off now so thank you for reading my diary (dairy?), er blog, er wha...? What was I talking about? Gee you just had to go and distract me didn't you? Oh well. I'm off.


  • At 10:01 p.m., Blogger Ignis said…

    Darling, he's from Quebec. The accent is real, not fake. Believe me. I had him all year last year. It's definitely real.

  • At 10:49 p.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    That it is. And as for Mr. Matwichuck to Mr. Girard? Mr. Girard. All the freaking way. I.HATED.MR.MATWICHUCK.

    It would suck if I was spelling his name wrong.

    I also feel mean...but really...yeah. I didn't like him.

  • At 12:52 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    Yah! hes from Quebec, therefore its not phony. It is bad that teachers can get so distracted, its not a good thing. I would think that he is hard to understand because you don't try to understand him. Even though Griard isn't that good, he will always be better than Matwichuck.


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