Written Scramble

Sunday, November 05, 2006


It's a scam people. Don't be like me a fall for it. I found the site, and sent in a poem (the only poem I had that fit the requirements). A couple months later I get this letter in the mail, telling me my poem made it to the semi-finals and had been picked to be published in this book called 'Immortal Versus'. Of course I was astatic and sent in my permission to have in published. I didn't order a book though (how they make their money) cause I really didn't want to spend 30 some dollars on a book that I could get at the book store later for less then that. After a while I get another letter from them saying that I had won the 'Editors Choice Award' AND my poem had been picked to be one of '33' poets to have their poem read professional on this 'Sounds of Poetry' CD. Again astatic I sent in my permission (again not by the CD, book, or my poem on a plaque). It was only after this that my friend (Steph) brought it to my attention that it was a scam (much thanks to Steph). Then today I get this e-mail saying that I've been picked to be in 'Who's Who in Poetry' which is basically another 'Immortal Versus' only with a poem (they want a new one) and my bio. Knowing it's a scam I clicked on the link to send in a poem, just to spit them (a poem telling them exactly how I feel.) Lucky it wasn't excepted. I had to modify my poem because their was some 'unexceptable' words. Non of which I could find. But I do have the poem, so here it is:

Life's A Scam

This sites a scam
For which I fell
Much like my life.
Harmless it seams
But a trap is laid
The prey devoured.
Or so you though
But with a scream
I fight back.
Take that and that
See I fight back.
This site looks like one thing
But is another.
Rejection hurts
but makes your stronger
Failure hurts
When you let it happen.
This sites a scam
That numbs rejection
And makes failure real
For so many who fall
For the spiders web.
So people don't make the same mistake I did. Don't fall for poetry.com. They only want money (which lucky I haven't sent them. DON'T SEND THEM ANY!) Well that's my little rant/poem/info thing. Getting off now. Night all.


  • At 9:16 a.m., Blogger gabe said…

    your life is a scam. thats the medaphore you used. Doesn't make sense.

    i give you my sympathies.

  • At 10:28 p.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    Um. Okay. I like the poem, for sure, save for the mistakes [:)] but I'm not ticked at Poetry.com for any reason. I mean, I didn't send in any money...I'm merely amused.


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