Written Scramble

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Their was this big big wind storm and then in the middle of lunch the power went out, then came back on for a few secounds and then went out again! It's amazing how no electricity can send a school full of teens into panic/caouse. It was funny, the lights went out and everyone started screaming and jumping all happy. Then when the bell rang we had to navigate through the crowd to lockers, and figure out how to open them with no light, then had to continue navigating to our classes. After that was done halfway through the first class after lunch the principal comes on and say's that no school will not be canceled like it normaly would. Which wasn't fare (*sticks tongue out at Kaeli*) fair, because me Gabe and Steph had our mock interveiws in the last class. The teacher was such a pain with it though. We all had to start at the same time, end at the same time and re-start at the same time, when we all finished at diffrent times, so we got to sit and do nothing while waiting. Finaly about 15-20 minutes before school normaly would be let out the principal came back on and said we could leave, but the teacher wouldn't let us until we finished the intereviews (luckly we were on the last round). then me and some friends stood out in the wind for a while, went back in, but then I had to go back out to catch the bus. It was a great afternoon (minus planning class).


  • At 12:32 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    It wasn't that bad.

  • At 5:23 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Yay Hailey!!! I'm so proud of you. See, all that nagging does eventually pay off. You now know how to spell fair. Next: chaos. That one's tricky, though. I had the hardest time pronouncing that thing when I was younger. Yay for blackouts.


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