Written Scramble

Monday, November 06, 2006

On the bright side, I'm not wearing glasses

My day has gone from bad to worse, and then down hill, starting from last night. I went to bed at 10:30 (as always), and woke up at FOUR IN THE MORNING! Because their was rain betting againts the window, and wind howling by that, and downstairs someone left something open so their was this bang, bang, bang coming form downstairs. It was sometime after five before I could fall back asleep. Then in the morning after my alarm clock went off, I should have just turned it off and staid in bed but no, I got out and managed to get everything done before I had to go. I look out side to find it's still RAINING! So I grab my umbrella (a cheep dollar store one), and left the house to find it wasn't just raining as the window showed it was POURING RAIN, as in down pour. But still I went on, around puddles when possible (you have to relise I was in runners). But still I got water on my pants (their to long for me, what do you expect?), and then the wind catches under my ubrella, flipping it inside out, so I close it and re-open it, and it was ok. After this I had to cross a street, and then the little turnway street (it's hard to explain but you go through it to take a right turn instead of waiting at the light), and bother were flooded, so I had water in my shoes and still on the bottum of my pants, not that it mattered because the rain had soaked most of it. Then to top that off, the wind caught under my umbrella again and it flipped inside out again, so I closed it and opened it to find it was completly busted. So now I have soaked pants, a soaked jacket and a soaked backpack, do you think that was enough? NO! A bus had to go by and hit a puddle, getting MORE water on me. But I maid it to the bus stop, to find my side of the road was half flooded, but luckly it's a two lane per direction road so most drivers went into the farther lane to not stir up the water, but I still stood behind the bus bench for protection against anyone who desided to go through the water. One such vehical being a small little compact, and that vehical went through the water so fast that the wave things that usualy go on the sidewalk and get people soaked went over the bench and landed on my feet. Then the bus finally came and I was glade. So far the only good things of the day being this bus didn't get me wet and I wasn't wearing light coloured clothing. I get to school, and my friends laughed at me (but I was laughing with them so that was a plus:)) My first class was out in the protable, so I had to go back outside but luckly the door was unlocked so we could go straight in. Then I had to sit, half soaked through speaches of confederation before going up to deliver mine. Finally that was over, and the only funny thing about that was a Disney line "My toes are frozen, and my legs are frozen, and my ears (thank's for reminding me of that one Kaeli) are frozen, and my noes is frozen and my tail is frozen and I'm hungry" passed through my mind, cause my toes and legs were frozen. After that the day was ok, my pants dried off (slowly) but my socks never, so I had wet sock syndrom (wss) all day. When school was out I looked out the window and it looked like it had stopped raining, or slowed down a lot, so I was relitivly happy when I got my stuff packed up and went outside, to find it was still raining almost as hard, and the only thought that passed in my head was "Well at least I'm not wearing my glasses" because I promised Gabe that I'd try to be optimistic today. But halfway around the feild (I didn't feel like walking across it as it was practicaly a swamp) it stopped raining, but it was too late, I was already soaked. I hate the rain. More then I hate snow.
OH and a NaNoWriMo update I am now at: 9 906/50 000 words.
Oh planning was fun today (well as fun as planning class can be), because our teacher let us sit wherever we wanted (because the desks were in groups not rows). So me and Steph and Gabe all sat in the same desk grouping (first time we could sit togther all year). And even though are desk grouping was right next to were the teacher was talking and teaching, he didn't seam to notice us. He didn't notice me or Steph writing (though I couldn't tell if Steph was taking notes, but it couldn't be cause she wrote while he was showing and explaining those comic strips), he forgot to give us worksheets, and didn't call a member of our group up for this thing he was doing. It was a great class.
Getting off now


  • At 12:55 a.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    Taking notes? Oh heck no.

  • At 11:06 a.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    I didn't think you were

  • At 9:45 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Sorry I laughed, Hayz. It was really funny, though. Still sorry.

  • At 12:43 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Gee, THANKS Kaeli. Thanks a lot. HMPF (did I spell that right? NOT). Oh well, I guess I can forgive you, maybe.


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