Written Scramble

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ello again.

Sorry about staying up so late Linds, but I usualy stay up late on weekends, I just don't usualy blog when I'm up that late (if you want to know why, read what Lindsay responded to my last post).
I have finished my crossword book. Yesterday. I had done three while waiting for dinner (at Boston Pizza's), and more when we got home, so I have that done, now I'm going to have to get more. It got to the point I wasn't even reading the topic I was doing and was just doing the puzzle, and after three or for still think I was on the first one and wonder what these words had to do with that topic. So that part of my life is done (besides the one my mom did and maybe the ten I had previusly done, it was only about sixty puzzles I did in three days.) And before you go saying I need a life (Lindsay) it was just a break from my life.I was doing that while taking a break from my NaNoWriMo which I should be getting back too.
Which reminds me. I have added a sort of character to my NaNoWriMo story and I would like some feedback on it. It's name is Oap. It's a tree (yes the tree is a character), that looks like an oak tree, has wheeping willow tipe branches with pine needles instead of leaves, has a huge ugly grin in the middle of his trunk (or the main part of the tree anyway), that dripps sap (like maple surup sap, mmmmmm). So basicaly what he does is stand in the middle of a forest (clique for a tree I know) at the edge of the Demon town. And if slaves go running, and go into the forest (which if the Demon's are following them will try to herd them too), they'll run into him. And he'll start hitting you with his branches, and needles, which really hurts, and as you turn and run back (towards the Demons), he follows still whipping out with his branches. And only stops when the Demon Master has a hold of his slave, and thanks Oap for his assitance. Is it a good character, or should I make fire wood out of him? Thanks.


  • At 5:20 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Wow. Oap sounds like a very interesting character. From what you've told me of him, I think he'll be a good character. Unless he doesn't fit into your story smoothly, I don't see why you would need to get rid of him.


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