Written Scramble

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


As one of my friends (Steph) had said, why is it called PMS if it goes past the pre part? I have to agree, it goes right into it. It's terrible! As if bleeding wasn't enough, no lets put in stomach achs, and headachs, and cramps, and moodswings, and chocolate intake increase (which isn't so bad), and wanting to watch the non romance chick flicks (which really sucks). It's just no fun, no fare, and stinks. If people think (insurt random evil person here) is bad, they obviously haven't met a PMSing girl, seriusly (I know spelled it wrong, I don't really care). With me I get headachs (stupid idiotic things), stomach achs (only one or two), and moodswings (I think their more of mood cercals as I go from being snappy, to feeling guitly about snapping at the person, and the guilt leads to being wheppy, then someone asks if I'm ok, or if I'm crying, and I snap agian. See mood cercal, not swing, cercal).
In that way, guys are lucky, they don't have to go through this every flippen month, not ever! Unless your my mom who thinks that guys have 'cycles' too, just without the bleeding (which if it was true is quite creepy). I don't believe her, but her best friend does (she's the one who told my mom this 'fact') and even worse HER BOYFRIEND BELIEVES IT TOO! He really believes it. Now that this IS creepy. And wrong.
No I'm not in a good mood, anymore. I was fine until about last block (of four) of sitting in a desk (or chair of any kind). After four blocks of sitting, I wasn't happy (proven fact, stupid excersese helps DMS *I refuse to call it PMS*), and the test prep wasn't happy. Give me about an hour and I'll be fine (until my Oma calls to go out for dinner).
Ok now that I've dumped my problems down (figuritvly unfortunatly) I'm getting off. Bye


  • At 12:57 a.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    ...Obviously, you have PMS a bit worse than I do...and apparently chocolate doesn't work (besides, I've never had a chocolate craving during PMS), and...my mood swings are slightly more on the extreme though it shows as irritable or depressed at school and downright freaking pissed at home. So...yah.


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