Written Scramble

Friday, November 17, 2006

People are so stupidly gulible

OK this is just to funny to pass up. I was on neopets (I like that sight ok), and I was on the neopet writers board. What started out as this person trying to give an IQ test (which wasn't even close to a real one), switched to a talk amoust Canadians. Their was like four of us their, and one American person. The American was from New York, and the rest of us are all spread out across Canada. It was hillarious. We had the person going on about igloo's, and dogsleeds and ten feet of snow in the summer. So the igloo houses were small, one room snow caves. With ice couches, ice tables so low we had to sit cross legged on the floor, and blubber beds. To use the computers we used were powered by extention cords that went out of the igloo's to the main building that wasn't an igloo that all the people in our igloo village used. Even after I confessed that we didn't live in igloo's, use dog sleds, and have ten feet of snow in the summer, the person kept asking questions, until all of us confessed that we were joking, then she tried to tell us we didn't have her fooled.
She was just so gulable? I mean who really believes that?


  • At 5:24 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Hehe. That would be so much fun. There are actually some Americans who are convinced we all live in igloos. What a bunch of losers.


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