Written Scramble

Sunday, November 26, 2006


IT'S SNOWING! *wails*! I don't like snow. It's cold, and wet, and gets into your shoes, and into your socks, and hurt when throughn at you, and it is just PLAIN HORRIBLE! Not that their are some good sides of it. I like the sound of snow crunching under your feet, I do like having a snowball fight, it is fun to watch fall, and making snowmen and snow angels is fun. According to my Uncle David, snow is actualy clear and the reason it looks white is because of how it reflexs light (sort of like the Polar Bear, their fur is actualy clear, and the skin is black, but they look all white). And the best advantage of snow, were I live people freak out at the sight of hardly a millimeter of snow. We have a good two inches or so of snow already, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, it's supposed to snow tomorrow, and eather tomorrow or Tuesday theirs supposed to be flurry, and all that snow will not only freak everyone out (at least all the people who have never lived up north, or far down south were it snows, or any non-coastal are in BC and other Provences), but hardly anyone has Winter tires. They have 'all season' tires and think that that will keep them safe. NEWS FLASH! They don't, not in icy snowy weather, 'all season' tires work on dry ground, and wet ground, not icy or snowy ground. So because no one has Winter tires, theirs going to be a lot of snow, and lots of people who go to my school live out of town, their is a good chance that SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW! Or at least I hope so. But then I think it would be fun to walk to the bus stop in the snow, listening to the crunch crunch crunch of it under my shoes, and to have my hood down and have the snow fall into my hair, and sneak up on my friends and dump a snowball on them (watch out guys, it just might happen).
Another advantage of snow: it's below freezing weather which means Jack Frost SHOULD be coming for a vist any time soon. Now if you don't know who Jack Frost is you are seriously deprived. No he's not the snowman in the movie 'Jack Frost'. He's this guy who in the winter goes to peoples houses and paints frosted pictures made of ice crystals on their windows! When I was little and lived in Sickanee(sp?) with my mom, dad, Grandma, and Grandpa, every morning after Grandpa had gone to work, me and Grandma would go to the kitchen window and look at the picture Jack Frost left behind. I remember mountains, and bears, and lots of funny pictures. They would melt by lunch time or mid-afternoon because even the week sun could melt it, and because it was above the stove. It was so pretty, and it was just me and Grandma who would look at the pictures, and Grandma told me the story of Jack Frost. Unfortunatly, he forgot our house this morning, when I woke up their was no Jack Frost picuter. *Pouts, sticks up nose and goes 'HMPH'*
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH I'm happy now! I got my dress! It's not the one I saw in Walmart, me and daddy went to the mall today, and the first dress we saw was this red dress with the jagad cut thing on the bottum, and I can't remember the top. It was pretty, but Daddy said it would be too short. Then the next dress (in the same middle of Mall Hallway shop), was this pretty black dress that was long, and had a halter topish thing, but had string or something on the back so it was less uncovered. We kept it in mind while looking around. We went to The Bay next. All the dresses we found were eather to skimpy for my tast, or to big, or not my style. So we went to Sears. We found two dresses their that I liked, one was black, just above the knee in lingth and spagettie strap. The straps were pink, and their was two pink strips at the top, a pink sash, and under the dress was a mesh type material that had a pink bottum that just pocked out from under the dress. I tried it on, and it was pretty, but it reminded me of a bridesmaids dress, so I didn't pick it. The next dress was so pretty. It was black, the zipper was on the side, and so easy to hid, it was spagetti strap as well, but over it was a see-through black mini-T-shirt thing, that was sowen onto the dress. It was so pretty. But I thought it was to low rise at the top for my hight. It was a size twelve, so with help from a person who worked their I found a size ten and size eight of the same dress. I tried the size ten on, it fit nice, but it was really long in the leg, and while covering up better then the other one, was really lose at the top. So I didn't get that one. I tried on the size it, and it went to just below the knee's, was high enough that it would keep the wearer modest, and looked really really pretty. I liked it. So now I had to deside between this dress and the black dress I had saw earlier. Their was no garentee that the other dress would fit because as it was a mid-hall shop their was no dressing rooms. Not to mention that I plan to wear my banquet dress to Christmas and Tante Marleens and Uncle Bens, the second dress I could wear without my Tante Marleen having a heart attack, or my Oma talking about the modesty of such, or without having Tante Erna going on about how I should be a proper lady. That and it was prettier. So I got it! I'm so happy! Now I only have to get some shoes to go with it! YA! I'm so happy now, and I love the dress.


  • At 3:59 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Yay. I'm happy for you, Haze. I told you there would be other dresses out there. And I can't believe you don't like the snow! I think you're weird for that, but whatever floats your fish.


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