Written Scramble

Friday, November 24, 2006


OK THIS ISN'T FAIR! I had found the perfect dress for the Christmas banquet. Now usualy I'm not to conserned about clothes but it was perfict. It was black with a sparkly grey vail type dress thing over it (conected), and for the sash was the sparkly grey vail thing material scrunched up to make it darker, it was a spaggetie strap that went down to the knee's. It was SO PRETTY! And it was at Walmart. It's the dress I wanted. So I managed to convince my dad to go dress shopping with me to go get the dress. So we go to Walmart to find out IT'S NOT THERE! I searched everywere for this dress! and I couldn't find it! It's not like they sold out of it, Walmart doesn't sell out on anything. IT'S NOT FAIR! The dress even fit into the banquet theme of Phantom of the Opera. *wails*. So I ask my dad if we can go to other stores to find a dress cause really the dress I wanted was the only good dress in Walmart, and he said NO. It wasn't even after five yet, so it couldn't have been that it was too late. NOooooooooooooooooo he had already promised my Oma that we'd bring her dinner, WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME! And then told me he wasn't going to buy the dress today anyway and that he was going to wait till payday! Why did he get my hopes up then? He know's nothing about girls! And then for some reason, I started CRYING! I don't cry over clothes, and yet I was, crying like a little kid (just not as loud without the sobs just the tears) who didn't get a lollypop. Why was I being so foolish and selfcentered?
Of course the nights misfortunes were not over yet. Noooooooo. We had to get KFC! I HATE KFC, AND ALL FASTFOOD RESTURANTS! I'm so sick of going out for dinner. We always go out for dinner and I'm just sick of it! Sure it was ok for the first month, but after that it just got annoying, I get sick after we eat out. I want to eat at home! A home cooked meal, at home without my Oma! She's annoying, I love my Oma and all, but I can predict everything she's going to say 'I wish I could read a ten of what you can' 'You read to much' 'Oma never had good eyes' 'Had to take care of my siblings' 'You write to much' 'I wish I could write as well as you can' and on and on and on every time I see, which is almost every single day for dinner. What's worse is I could be talking to daddy, and trying to tell him something and she just cuts in to ask him something as if I wasn't even talking, and he won't say 'One minute Mom, I'm listening to Hailey' he just starts listening to her. I don't like it, I can't stand it. And both my dad's and Oma's table manners stink. I look over and my dad's chewing with his mouth open so I ask him to stop and he goes 'What?' so I tell him and he just scoffs, and will stop, for a while. At least he can quitely chew with his mouth open, I look at Oma and she's chewing with her mouth open, and to save myself the imbarressment of asking three or four times if she can chew with her mouth closed before she understands me, I try to ignore it, but it's all 'Smack smack smack' or whatever the sound is of when a person chew's with their mouth open!
I don't know, maybe I just feel like complaining, but I can't STAND IT! I can't. It's so frustraiting, that I will cry, and I don't like crying, crying is babyish and PMSish, and I ain't a baby and it sure ain't the time for the latter!


  • At 8:41 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    Oh, I'm sorry your evening was so crappy, Haze. You'll find a different dress, though. There are always more out there. And I agree with you about the whole table manners thing. It bugs the crap outta me whenever people eat loudly or with their mouths open. It's okay to cry, too. A common reaction when everything is falling to crap. I'll be sure to give you a big hug on Monday. Remind me if I don't.

  • At 8:16 a.m., Blogger gabe said…

    :( I feel for you.

  • At 7:12 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Thanks Kaeli, and Gabe. I feel better now.

  • At 8:21 p.m., Blogger Ignis said…

    I'm sorry your day sucked. I'm sending you hugs.


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