Written Scramble

Sunday, November 19, 2006


OK I had a blast today. First me and my dad went to science world, then we watched the christmas parade. First at the science world we went to see the body exibit of the people who died and donated their body to science and it was put to the use of having their skin removed and having sometimes their organs removed and put on display. That was interessting, but not as great as I thought it would be. Oh well *shrugs*. After that we walked around science world and did a whole bunch of scientific stuff that was fun. My favorite part was this game were you sat down, strapped this thing to your head, making sure the three metal bits were touching your forhead, and relaxed. Across from you the other player was doing the same thing. The more relaxed you were it pushed this little ball trough this tub, and if you could get it to the other players end zone before it was pushed to yours you one. I went against my dad, and I was starting to get tired so I slumped on my arm and kept my eyes closed most of the time, and only thinking 'inhale, exhale' with each breathe. I opened my eyes once in a while to see were the ball was, and it never once was on the other player (my dad's) side. I won! That was fun.
The parade was fun too, but I have a complaint with the little kids. As soon as someone from a float or a group started handing out stuff, weather they needed it or not, all these little kids would crowed around the person, holding out their hands, and not once did I hear anyone say thank you. I know their only little kids but by the age of seven or eight you should know your manners. This one girl, when eather her mother or grandmother told her to get back on the sidewalk she said 'I can't I'm getting stuff, duh'. I thought that was so rude.
Oh oh, I bought something that I'm sure a certain group of people coughlindsaystephgabekaelicough would like. I had to get my dad to buy it. So I couldn't get the back of two cause it was $24, the pack of twelve was $6 and the pack of six was $4. I got the pack of twelve. They look cool but I haven't actualy used them yet. So you want to know what it is? I don't know, maybe I won't tell you. Ok I will, (just so you all don't kill me). I got a pack of twelve candles that burn diffrent colours! Theirs two blue burning, two orange burning, to green burning, two white burning, two purple burning, and two red burning candles! COOL! Ok that's all.


  • At 11:11 p.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    Fireworks would be cooler. By far. Did you see the Chamber Singers and the Screaming Eagles?

  • At 10:43 a.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    I want to see the pretty candles. Take pictures when you're burning them. Fire is pretty.

  • At 2:32 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Yep, I saw the Screaming Eagles, but the only person I reconised was Steph, I couldn't spot anyone else, and Mr. Joiner noticed my dad I think. I saw the Chamber Singers too, I would have thought they would be right behind the Screaming Eagles. Don't worry Kaeli, I'll wait untill were all together before burning the pretty candles.


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