Written Scramble

Sunday, December 17, 2006


The banquet was so much fun! I got a lot of pics (still won't download grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). The best two are: one of Brent in a top hat and masquerade mask, and the other that looks like Kaeli is about to eat Lindsay. HEHEHE, that was an accident. I was trying to get a pic of Lindsay without her noticing, which I did, but Kaeli who I was sitting next to was eating as a snapped the pic, and the fork was halfway to her mouth and being right beside me it made her look really big in the pic. To make it funnier, Lindsay in the background looks like the fork is going into her throat and Kaeli is about to eat her. It's a good pic (no Lindsay I am NOT deleting it. It's a once in a life time pic). Then entertainment was, unique. Their was a video of an eggnog chugging contest, a spoof cheerleader thingamabob done by the Student Council President and Vice President I think, a video that my friend Alinkea stared in, and love notes were being read. Great night. The food was great. I eat most of it. The pickles were too sour, and the chicken too spicy, but the punch was great (punch fountain), the macaroni salad was excellent, as were the mash potatoes (which Gabe was exceptionaly happy about), and the corn was, well, corn. The biggest bit of entertainment I think though was our little candle display. It started with Kaeli tossing confetti into a tea light. Nothing happened. So Gabe tore off a corner of her napkin and dropped it in. Apparently instead of just burning like she hopped, it absorbed the melted wax and caught on fire. Big flame. Lindsay, not wanting it to touch the table or anything, tried to blow it out, but after almost burning herself (how she didn't is beyond me) she gave up. Steph, Lindsay, and me weren't as excited about it as Kaeli and Gabe (those two need help). Everyone in surrounding tables looked around to see what it was. None of us wanted to forfeit out drinks (though Gabe or Kaeli should have), so someone came from a different table, grabbed Courtney's punch (she had left the table) and poured it into the tea light. Their was a mini explosion (I wouldn't even call it that, more of a 'poof') were the flame (shrunk from having liquid poured on it) got bigger and with a small 'pop' and a few sparks and then died. Kaeli later, decided it looked uneven poured punch in another tea light to even it out.
After the banquet we went to Lindsay's house. We watched Phantom of the Opera. Remind me to never watch it again. There's romance from the very beginning basically, and too much singing. YES I know it's a musical but their doesn't have to be singing ever two bloody seconds. I fell asleep in the middle of it (I don't even think I made it to the middle. Wouldn't know I was asleep). In the morning after we were woken up (nether Lindsay or me wanted to get up I think) I found I was on the floor (I fell asleep in the chair, but for some reason was not surprised to find meself on the floor). Lindsay had apologised for waking us all up last night, which I didn't remember. Or maybe I did. I remember one point in the night being on the floor and putting my glasses into my sleeping bag. But that's a foggy memory. Well anyway we had breakfast, heart shaped waffles, berry's, whip cream, cantaloupe, grapes, juice, and more stuff that I can't remember. So after were all done, we had to go back to the school. Lindsay and Steph had to clean up. I was going to call my dad and get a ride home. No such luck, me daddy had to work that day. So instead I hung around with Kaeli and Gabe (not that that was a problem). We went out to the playground, and I got some pics their, and we watched the German school kiddies rehearse their Christmas thing. It was so cute they were singing Oh Christmas Tree in German, and one little boy was just screaming it out. We went to our 'corner' and I got more pictures their. All really random and pointless, but still fun. After Lindsay and Steph were done, I got a ride home with Gabe, Kaeli went back to Lindsay's house for a planning project. When I got home (around 11:35) I took a nap (till 2:30).
Today I got to go see Eragon. It's such a good movie! I don't see what so many people were complaining about. It was great. I give it a 9 1/2 out of 10, it lost the half mark in the beginning. But you see a movie is great when theirs a big battle within the first three minutes of the movie. And it's also great, if from a book, they can convince you something happened that didn't happen in the book, just to find out it doesn't happen. Which happened to me. Oh well. I won't tell you what I'm talking about cause I'm sure some of you want to see the movie.
Today I started thinking. When I was little my Cousin Paul had a little boy named Tyrell(sp?). He died at ten months from a whole in his heart. As I was thinking, I remember that some years after Tyrells death (like maybe a year) Paul had a daughter (well not him personally, his girlfriend/wife did). I can't remember her name. I haven't seen her since, well never. I've never seen her other then a picture my Oma had once, which I haven't actually seen in a while. See this girlfriend/wife person left Cousin Paul and took their daughter with her. No one talks of Cousin Paul's little girl, not even Cousin Paul. He's gotten re-married and has two step daughters and a step grandson. But still what about his little girl? Does she have a 'new' daddy? Does she know about Paul? I really want to talk to him about it, but I don't really want to invade is privacy, or offend him. Isn't he curious about her? Something? Anything? I wanna know, and I'm sure other people would too. *Sigh* Guess I won't find out anyway.


  • At 6:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…


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