Written Scramble

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Mr. Girard(sp?) should be FIRED! Expesialy after what he said today, weather he ment it to sound like what it did or not. It was just plain wroooooooooooong. Steph and Gabe should know what I'm talking about, but I don't think Lindsay and Kaeli know. We had just finished that stupid test, and we got to mark it as well. For one question a girl asked if a sertain answer that sounded like the original one would work, and he said no, so she asked for half marks, and again he said no. So she said just loud enough to be heard, "Well your just a bad teacher." he said, I'm not sure how exactly I was kinda paying attention, just enough to know if the answer of the persons paper I was marking was right, well anyway he said, "I am a bad teacher, maybe you all should give me a spanking." I don't think he ment anything wrong by it, but it sounded wrong, extremely wrong. The class was dead silent for half a second then everyone started laughing. He actualy figured out what he had said wrong and said, "Some people could take offense to that," and something else that I can't remember. But he should be fired, not only because he doesn't even understand what he's teaching, he's turned devotions into a government thing, and because of that saying that he said. He should be fired.
Ok that's my oppionion. gotta go, bed time (bleck, need sleep).


  • At 1:37 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    That is somewhat disturbing. I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad way, though.

  • At 2:58 p.m., Blogger Ignis said…

    He made mistakes like that when he taught our French class. Sometimes I don't think he fully understands what he says in English.

  • At 6:15 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    weather: the state (sunny, rainy, etc.) of a certain place at a certain time.

    whether: Ex: Whether or not the sky will be blue tomorrow is completely up to God.

    Get it?

    Meant, opinion. Sorry.

  • At 6:52 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    thanks Kaeli. i always get those two mixed up. (along with a lot of other things)


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