Written Scramble

Monday, December 11, 2006


Ok we got our new english teacher today. Mrs. something (I can't remember). She has shoulder lingth blond hair, is tall and slim. I have the feeling no one likes her. She seams strict, but maybe it's because it's her first day here. I don't know. But instead of working on our design and media unit, she made us write an essay on Christmas, AND PLAN IT OUT! I don't plan anything out in detal. Bleck. Well maybe she will get better. If not I feel sorry for her, I'm sure most of the class will rebel just cause she's a new teacher.
And in English class we got to see a picture of Miss Esau's baby. She's adorible, but really small.
OK after school I take the bus home, it was really windy standing outside waiting for the bus, but whatever, I get home, cheak the mail, and start going up the stairs when all the lights went out. POOF no lights, just back up lights. So I finish going up the stairs, and like where my locker is at school, theirs no lights in the hallway, and no window's. So I find the door (which isn't hard, it's the first door to the left) and get it. No lights. So I go to my room to read. Fine and dandy, but it starts getting darker so I light up a latern my cousin and her husband gave me. That worked fine until it started to get darker, and tee lights don't give off much light. So I blew it out and got a bigger candle and light that instead, having to move it to my socials text book every once in a while to be able to read it. That dried out my contact lenses so I went and took them out. Then continued my homework. The lights went out around 3:15 and didn't come back on till 5:30! But the powers back on now (thankfully).
Oh and guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The bus that I got picked up from to go to school, was decorated. The only bus I've seen like it (even out off all the ones today). It had antlers with lights on them, a big red nose, a smile on the bottum of the bus, white lights down the side, and coloured lights on the back. It was so pretty/funny. Random too, but cool.


  • At 3:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your power was seriously out for that long? My power flickered once or twice, but that's it. The bus sounds really fun. I wish I could have seen it.

  • At 3:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry - the above comment, as well as this comment, are from Kaeli. Blogger isn't letting me comment as a blogger because I didn't get the Beta. Stupid things. Whatever.


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