Written Scramble

Saturday, December 02, 2006


OK I have a list of questions that has kinda gotten into my head, and I kinda really would like to see peoples oppionions on them. So would you please read them and answer them please. I'd really really really really really really really really really really appriciate it (better then I can spell the word I tell ya).

1) Are angels perfect?
2) When people die, do they become angels?
3) Are their classes of angels?
4) What would happen if an angel became a person?
5) Do angels die?
6) Do demons die?
7) Can an angel be tempted?
8) If angles and demons can die, what happens to them after they do?
9) Do angels celebrate the holiday's? (Like Christmas and Easter)
10) Can a demon become good?
11) What do angles do for fun?

You'll find out soon what this is for. I would just really like answers to these questions. Please and thank you.



  • At 12:49 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    -They cant be totally perfect. Only God is perfect.
    -When people die they go to heaven. As far as i know the bible says nothing about turning into angels
    -I think the two classes would be angels and fallen angels. I don’t think there would be classes in heaven. Maybe in hell there are.
    -I dont believe an angel could be come a person, though they could apear asa person.
    -Angels don’t die. They are already in heaven or hell. If they died where would they go? So there would’nt really be a point in an angel dying.After death there would’nt really be a place for them to go.
    -Yes an angel can be tempted. Satan was an angel. He wanted more power than God.
    -I think angels in heaven would celabtate them. After all that is celebrating Jesus. I think it would be a great time of worship as opposed to gift giving though.
    -A demon already made the choice to be bad. They cannot turn back.
    -Angles worship God and protect us. Thed probably count that as entertaining to a certain point.

  • At 3:07 p.m., Blogger Kaeli said…

    1) Angels are not perfect. Pretty close to it, but not quite. Lucifer (Satan) was an angel, and he's definitely not perfect.
    2) When we die, we go to heaven. We don't become angels, though. Angels have been there with God since the very beginning of time.
    3)It would seem that there are classes of angels. Gabriel introduced himself as an archangel, did he not?
    4) An angel can't become a person. They are not capable of it. If they were, why did God create us? He has angels in heaven, and humans on earth. That's the way it is.
    5/6/8) They can't die. Like Gabe said, where would they go? Angels live in heaven, and demons live in hell. That's about as good/bad as it's gonna get. They cannot die.
    7) Of course an angel can be tempted. Again, like Gabe said, Lucifer was an angel but was tempted by power. He wasn't happy following God. Which, in my opinion, was really dumb, because now he's in hell for eternity. Who wants to stay there? Not the brightest angel in the heavens, was he?
    9) Of course they celebrate. They probably have better parties than we can imagine. Seriously, their Lord has been born, and has risen from the dead. Why would they not celebrate?
    10) I don't think so. Demons were angels that chose to follow Satan instead of God. I don't think God would allow them to just change their minds. I don't know for sure, though.
    11) Angels probably have a blast watching people do something that is not so pleasing to Satan. And did I mention the parties they must throw? Whenever someone comes to Christ, just imagine their jubilee. Makes me giddy just thinking about it.

  • At 3:26 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Thank you Gabe and Kaeli.

    Lindsay, Steph can't you two answer the questions pwease. (yes Kaeli I know I spelt that wrong, it was intentional(sp?))

  • At 4:50 p.m., Blogger Ignis said…

    Alright, I shall do my bestest.

    1) No, I don't think angels are perfect because only God and Jesus are perfect.
    2) I don't think people become angels when they die. God created angels when He created everything, and He'll bring us to heaven in His time.
    3) I think there are different types of angels, as Kaeli said, but not classes as in the class system in England or anything like that.
    4) I don't think angels can become people. They can take on human form, but they don't become people. Kind of like how you can put on a cowgirl costume, but that doesn't make you a cowgirl.
    5) Angels can't die because they aren't mortal.
    6) See above.
    7) Of course they can be tempted. Satan and the other fallen were.
    8) Since they can't die, I can't answer that question.
    9) Yes, I think they do. Those holidays mean more to them than they do to us. Actually, I've always thought that every time a sinner turns to God, there's a huge party up in heaven.
    10) Nope. Once they've made that choice (and I do believe that it's a choice), it's done.
    11) They worship. When you love God as wholeheartedly as angels do, worshipping Him is the most fun to be had.

    Hope that helps!

  • At 6:12 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    on lindsays number 3 , that was what i was thinking i just didn't get it out how i wanted.

  • At 6:12 p.m., Blogger gabe said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 7:18 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Thanks Lindsay :)

    Ok, I understand Gabe.

  • At 11:57 a.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    1. No
    2. No
    3. Yes...nine, I believe.
    4. Not possible
    5. Not in a physical sense
    6. Ditto
    7. Yes
    8. They don't
    9. Not like we do
    10. I doubt it...they made a choice
    11. Praise God...? Bask in his creation?

  • At 5:16 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Nine? Wow, I have a loooooooooot of research. thanks :)

  • At 8:19 a.m., Blogger k.a.m.u.r.i. said…

    Seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions/dominations, virtues, powers, pricipalities, archangels, and angels, ranking from highest to lowest.


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