Written Scramble

Monday, December 25, 2006

FRUSTRATING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just reciently learned how stupid and idiotic some people, including me, can be. I just spent the last half hour trying to convince some think minded athiests that Xmas can be taken as an insult, and then it moved to a debat on weather Christmas is really a pagan holiday. In this proccess I'll admit I was probobly being thick minded too. But all their reasoning was really stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The really stupid thing was, was that I think one of them wasn't an athiest but a Christain as well. Not believing me! The world is crazy. In part due to people like me (and Kaeli, and Steph, and Gabe, and the craziest of us all Lindsay), but also due to people like them! They weren't listening to common sence! And they called basicaly my Socails teacher, my Paster at church (however boring his sermans are), and my old Youth Paster a lier. They tell me not to believe everything I read/hear and here they are feeding me lies. Dyeck! Yes I'm frustrated. Due to in part the fact that I'm tired and can't get to sleep.
Oh I think I have figured out why sometimes I like being around my Oma and sometimes I'm all snappy and in a get-me-out-of-here mood. When I like being around Oma, my dad isn't their. When I'm in a get-me-out-of-here mood, my dad's around. I donno, it's just he's really imature. He thinks he's acting all cool and such, and he's trying, but it's really lame and imature, and really really imbarrising.
On Saturday I went over to my Oma's and made Peppermint Cookies! Yum yum. According to a girl at Church their really called Ammoni Cookies, but Peppermint Cookies sounds so much better, and eatable (ateable?). It was soooooooooooooo much fun. We tried to mix the dow(sp?) with the blender thing (you know it's like a box, and you stick the beaters in the bottum, turn it on and adujust the speed) but both times we tried to dow(sp?), all of it, stuck to the beaters so it was a big blob:)! We fixed that my scraping it off the beaters and using a wooden spoon, which was almost as fun. The cookies tast great though.


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