Written Scramble

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Last night I went to the Rascal Flatts concert!!!! It was great!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my dad left around 2:30 or 3:00 to go to it, even though it didn't start till 8:00. We went to lunch and Ricky's (I ordered this thing that was EXTREMLY spicy). Then we walked around a bit and I saw a lot of equipment buses of their (from the walk) I counted 11 equipment buses and what I assumed was their tour buss (their was brown paper on all the windows so no one could see in). And then we were second in line to get in (their was lots of lines though). And then in the line beside us, their was these people complaining loudly about how they had to go to the washroom, and how cold it was, and how they wanted to go it. But they had only arrived half an hour ago, where as the people in front of us stood at the front of the line for somewhere between an hour and a half to two hours to be the first inside and sure they did complain that it was cold but it wasn't loudly. But oh well!
Then inside I got a t-shirt (I offered my dad to pay for 15 dollars of it *I had that much saved up*) but because he was using his debit card he paid for it all, and then (as we usually do if I'm going to pay for a part of it) I would going to just give him the fifteen dollars, but he didn't want it!!!!!!!!!! And then we got something to drink and popcorn.
My dad said we didn't have great seats, we were in the 'nosebleeds' And sure, we got a side view of them, and all but personally I think we had the best seats. Everyone else could stand up, and I could stay sitting because of where we were sitting. I could see everyone, and if I really wanted to their face up close I just had to look over at the screen. But I didn't. And then they had this part where a peace of the stage was lifted up (on wires) and taken across to a smaller stage on the other side of the the area, everyone had to look up (and they'd only see the bottom of what they were standing on) and I could see them the whole way, and I didn't really have to turn to see them on the other stage, I just had to look over. I had great seats!!! and it was so much fun.
The opening act was great too. It was Jason Aldine(sp?) He sang his three hit songs 'Amerillo Sky' 'Why' and 'Hicktown' plus a new song of his called 'Johnny Cash' and another song, I can't remember which but it was good too. I had a great time last night!!!!!!!!!


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