Written Scramble

Thursday, January 11, 2007


It has happened again. It has snowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fourteenth storm of the season (can't really say year). And once again, it was Panic. No one either A) had winter tires, or B) had the winter tires put on their vehical. Even my dad didn't know what we had. Nope, everyone was just going one with their, "I have all season tires, I'm safe. Even though I know from the previous snow fall that all season tires don't relate to snowy ground, or icy ground, I'm safe". Stupidity.
And once again, we had the day off from school. I was happy, I got to sleep all day. I coninued reading (and almost finished) a book I bought called Get Published. (Kaeli, you'll be happy to know, theirs grammer tipes in the back of the book. No spelling ones though.) But I spent most of the day, in bed reading.
The funny thing is, we only had half a house of power. The bathroom light, my bedroom light and radio, the kitchen light, (and apparently the computer, but my dad turned it off at the power box because he didn't want to harm the computer) all worked. But the dinning room (connected to the kitchen) ligh, the livingroom lights, my dads bedroom light (and his alarm clock), both TV's (the one in the living room, and in my room), the fridge (in the kitchen), the microwave (in the kitchen) all didn't work!!!!! HOW does that happen? Seriously? How do you have half a house of power. When I asked my socials teacher this, he said maybe the fuse was blown from using the blow dryer to many times. I simply told him I don't have a blow dryer, he backed off from that comment.
Well that is all from the (Winter wonderland) of (Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!) snow.
Happy Birthday Lindsay.


  • At 9:19 p.m., Blogger Ignis said…

    Thank you. I'll be gracious and accept the fact that it is indeed my birthday in three days. He he.

  • At 9:34 p.m., Blogger Aurum said…

    Well I had to put it down some time. Since I was bloggin stuff now I thought to do it now.


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