Written Scramble

Monday, February 05, 2007


My classes are (so far) great! All but one of my classes is male dominated though. Not fair. I had PE (the only non-male dominated class), German, Drama, and Science (the BEST class).
So in PE I have yet to meet my teachers because neither were there. Instead our sub Mr. B had us play bellyball. It was fun.
German was ok. We had a pop quiz so Herr Janzen knows how much review we have to do. Out of the fifteen people in the class their is FIVE girls and that's it.
Drama was fun. Again we had to learn peoples names (I'm not so good with the name thing). And if it was JUST the grade tens it would be a female dominated class (as their was five girls, and two guys) but the grade 9 music/drama class is in it as well because the teacher can't teach two classes at once, and it's all guys (theirs six of them, so six plus to is eight guys to five girls).
Science is going to be the BEST CLASS EVER! As unlike people in the last semester who had textbooks and workbooks. We get to do it online. Using laptops and such. It's all done IN CLASS so we sit in our classroom and do our stuff online. It's a new learning technick they plan to try. Gabe's class is doing this as well, I'm not sure if it's just because we have the same teacher (diffrent block) or if it's all the grade 10's in science this semester. But still we get to do it online. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
Sorry Steph, Lindsay, and Kaeli who, unfortunatly, do not get to do this.


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