Written Scramble

Friday, January 26, 2007


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Exams are coming up, ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY!!!!!!!! I'm nurvus. On Monday I have an english provincial followed by a social studies final (thankfull NOT a provincial), and then on Tuesday afternoon I have a math provincial. That's three exams!!! I think I would have prefered having to exams this semester and two the next. Even though next semester I only have one exam then (science) unless we have to take a year end exam in German (just as long as they arn't like last years: giving us less time to study for the harder part of the test, and then the 'answers' to the questions were all 'Ja Ja Nien Nien Ja Nien' or all 'ABBABABAAB' which did not help in studing).
But on the bright side, today in Math we had a mock exam (it was an August 2006 exam) and I got 78% on it, so I'm happy, I just have to study a bit, and get it up 8% and I'll pass it with and A. Ya!!!!
Well anyway, night ya'll, I'm tired, and I plan on studing tomorrow (something I usualy don't do, but this seams important enough to do so).
Good luck on all your exams.


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