Written Scramble

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Has anyone read the book Thr3e by Ted Dekker? No I *sigh* unfortunatly haven't. And as the school libery doesn't have it (the libery computers say they do, but apperantly last Christmas their was a computer crash, and it was one of the books that got 'lost' in the prosses*sobs*), so I have to by it (thank goodness the House of James is close by, the other book stores don't sell books by him). But guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was watching TV today, and I saw a movie trailer. At first I thought it was just another Black Christmas trailer until I noticed it had nothing to do with Christmas, and then the movie anouncer/voice over dude said it was the movie Thr3e coming (I don't know when, but some Friday in January). YIPEE!!!!!!!!!! I want to go see it.
Oh, I have two quotes that I found on the TV guide channel. The first if from Dick Chavvet (or something like that) and it goes "If your parents never had children, chances are you won't eather." And the second is annonomus and it goes "Your completly unick, just like everyone else." Oh and I saw a Crazy Law on the TV guide channel for some place in the US that dictaided "That anyone caught stealing a bar of soap must wash themselves with that bar until it is all gone." You know, I'm sure that's what the plan was for it anyway.
Oh, and one more thing. I have come to the conclution that I am not short. Just everyone else if freakishly tall. I'm normal, and everyone else is freakishly tall. And then all the stuff it seams I'm too short for is because they had to be build to accomidate the freakishly tall people. Like desks. Teachers are really silly. They say, put your feet flat on the the floor. So I put my feet flat on the floor and get told to sit up. Really I can't do both. If I sit up, I can only get my tippie toes on the floor, if I have my feet flat on the floor I have to slouch. So I decree that people should stop making things only for the freakishly tall people, but make some things an inch or two shorter for the normal people of the world. (except in book shelves and food shelves, then bring it down a lot. Seriously, sometimes when I'm groceriy shopping with my dad, and I see something on the top shelf we need. I have to jump to get it and even then I sometimes can't reach. And then someone asks if I need help. I tell them I do and thanks, but really I'm thinking 'No I'm just jumping and waving my arms towards something for the fun of it.) The factories of the world have to start thinking of the normal people again. But still keep the freakishly tall people in mind too.
Joking guys I love yous. Your not freakishly tall. (Except Lindsay, she's really tall. Joking! JOKING! JOKING! Please don't kill me).
And Lindsay, Kaeli, Steph, and possibly Gabe. No bugging me about the foot and jumping difficulties. I'll have you know that I'm taller then two people I know. My Oma and my cousin Becca. Though with me and Becca it's debatable.


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