Written Scramble

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


EXAMS ARE OVER! *kick right leg out* EXAMS ARE OVER! *kick left leg out* EXAMS ARE OVER! *really weird dance*. EXAMS ARE OVER!
Not that it was all peaches and cream. The english exam, the two people who wrote the two stories had no clue of age range. The first story (where the man didn't learn to read till he was fifty-five) they way he talked made him sound like he was eight. And in the second (which apperantly is a true story, sorry INTERVIEW) the kid (who I calculated to be 14 or 15) didn't sound like a kid. He was six when he desided he wanted to raise money to have a whell drilled in Africa so they could have fresh water (what six year old thinks like that?) and if they hadn't given the occational clue of his age, from the way he talked I would have guessed he was anywhere from his early fourties to late fifties. Seriously. And the gym was really cold during the english exam and their was this annoying buzzing sound eckoing around. Social studies was ok, I got a writers cramp, but that was because I was printing all the essay's not handwritting them. And math. What didn't go wrong with that one? I forgot my calculator at home (I was so mad at myself) so I had to do the whole thing by writing out my calculations and doing them manually (which was really hard. I really have to work on my times tables), and I guessed on 5 of the 60 questions (but 3 of them I would have guessed on if I had a calculator with me). But amazingly, without a calculator I was done before Lindsay or Kaeli (I don't know about Gabe because I didn't know where she was sitting. Lindsay was sitting in the desk next to mine, and Kaeli was sitting in front of Lindsay) and they both had calculators.
Well I'm glade their over! New subjects can finally be started. (NO MORE PLANNING! NO MORE PLANNING! NO MORE PLANNING!*does victory dance*) This semester coming up I have PE (blech) science (I can live) German (please let this teacher be better then our last one) and for the third term (first of the semester) I have drama (whoo-hoo) which is then latter replaced by buissness ED (I don't remember why I opted to take this course).
So how did everyone elses exams go?


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