Written Scramble

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Since none of us has updated since, well, since forever, I decided to update.
My weekends been going well. I spent all of Friday at my Oma's. I brought her soup and stayed most of the day. Then earlier today I went out for breakfast with her.
But I am so happy! And excited! Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? MY DAD GOT ME RASCAL FLATTS TICKETS!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeee!!!! I'm so excited! I really really wanted to go, and now I can!!!!!!!! My dad came home today and asked me how I was, I said I was OK. He handed me this little ticket holder thing (I didn't know what it was) and asked me if that would make me feel better. On the side was the Bell Beavers each holding a cell phone, so I go "You got me a cell phone?!?" He said no, and to open it. So I did, and at first all I saw was the reset, but I moved that out of the way and saw two tickets for the Rascal Flatts Concert!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!


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