Written Scramble

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Long time, no read

OK, I haven't updated in, well, forever. So first off it's raining again today. I don't like rain, it makes me feel all depressed. Yuck. But on the bright side I saw two rainbows on the way home from school, side by side. One was really faint and the other was really bright. It was so pretty. Only if people weren't constantly honking their horns, just because the Canucks won a game. Whoopee-dingle-doo. It's a hockey game people. Learn to live without it. (yes, for those of you who don't know *which is no one* I hate hockey).
My feet hurt. I've been helping out in the school play, backstage again, which means I've been on my feet from 3:30-7:30. Ow. And I have realised that being a stage hand is the most thankless part of the play. Sure this time we actually get to go on stage to put stuff on or off. But at the end when the actors take their bows, they bow twice together, indicate to the orchestra and sound people, bow again and leave stage. What I want to know is, what about us backstage? You wouldn't have show without the backstage people! But they don't relies it.
And (as I've told everyone) I got excepted into a writing school. And before any of my friends go, "What?" it's a correspondence coarse which means I still get to stay at my normal school. I was/am so excited and happy. But when I told my friends their first reaction was "What?" and Kaeli looked like she was going to cry (sorry Kaeli, maybe it was just how you had your face, like a pout and sad eyes).
Oh, and another thing I didn't mention on here yet. I FINISHED A STORY!!! Shocking I know, I know. But now that it's over I don't like it. It's too mixed up, not planned out, and the main character Aryan says things completely OOC so I don't like it. But I finished one.
We all need to update more (Kaeli....Lindsay......Gabe....Steph.........me). We used to update almost everyday, and then slowly it wilted to once a week, then once every other week, then once a month, and now were lucky to get that. *sigh* oh well.


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