Written Scramble

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Not that it really felt like Christmas until Boxing Day. On Christmas Eve we went to church in the morning, went for lunch with Oma, dropped Oma at home so she could take a nap. Went home, did absolutly nothing. Dad went to pick up Oma. We opened gifts, had dinner, went back to church for the Christmas Eve survice. Took Oma home. Went to bed. Well Dad went to bed, I couldn't sleep, again.
Christmas Day: Woke up, extanged gifts with Dad, got the truck washed, bought breakfast at a gas station, went home, did absoutly nothing besides switching between computer and tv. Went to bed latter that night. Fun I know.
Boxing Day: Woke up around lunch time. Tried to straighten then curl my hair. Didn't work, so I re-straightend it. Later that day we picked up Oma and went to Uncle Ben and Taunte Marlene's. Sat and talked with my Cousin Jen. Later helped my Cousin Kim feed her baby boy Adin. Eventualy everyone was their. My Cousin Ron I believe went to put Adin down for a nap and then we did a diffrent type of gift extange. We all brought a wrapped gift with no name, and put it in the middle, then went around in a cercal picked a gift from the center and opened it. After that Oma had some gifts for Adin witch Cousins Ron and Kim opened. Taunte Marlene also opened her gift from me and Dad, and I got a gift from Taunte Marlene and Uncle Ben. About this time Adin started screaming. Cousin Ron and Kim said to leave him because he just wasn't used to the place and he'd be back asleep in a few minutes. So every one but my Taunte Erna listned to them. Taunte Erna has skytsofrenia(sp?), and doesn't like to listen to people. She tried to get up to go to the baby but Cousin Ron told her no, that his cry's were going down and that if someone went in their, they'd just start up his tears again. Taunte Erna stood up so Cousin Ron Asked her were she was going, she said to the washroom. For some reason everyone believed her. But then we heard a door open (the bathroom door was already open) and Adin started crying louder. Not a good thing. Cousin Ron did not look happy. Around dinner time, me Dan Jen Cousin Ron and Cousin Kim sat at the 'kiddie' table (that table that the adluts don't sit at, and the no longer kids siting at), and everyone else at the other table to eat. Taunte Erna, trying to spoil it (or so I was told that she was trying too) wouldn't sit in the kitchen, but in the livingroom and wouldn't eat. Saying her brain would explode if she did. *shrugs* And she wanted to go home. But no one was going to take her until after dinner. So after dinner Uncle Ben took her home. The rest of the evening was spent just talking and sitting in the livingroom, with the TV fire crackling away.
And because I'm bored I'm going to list what I got:
From my Dad: Books One and Two of the Millie Keith Series.
From my Oma: Books Four and Five of the Millie Keith Series.
From one of Oma's friends that I don't know: A home made quilt that's warm and pretty.
From 'Santa': Candy, Tea in a can, a manicure set, and a straightening/curling iron.
From Aunty Sue & Uncle Mark: A black and white zip up hoodie and a book to write resipies in.
From Grandpa: A hand lotion, body butter, body cream, bath and shower gel, and bath puff that smell like pommogrants and mango (minus the puff of course).
From Taunte Marlene and Uncle Ben: An Indian Beading set. Make bracletts, and such with string and beads.
From the gift extange: A Cat Calander (which I had actualy wanted). I'm thinking it was from eather Becca and Ken or just Ken, cause Becca said Ken found it in the dollar store.
From Gabe: 4 pens, 4 pencils, 2 notebooks, and a CD.
How was all of your Christmas'?


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