Written Scramble

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Has anyone read the book Thr3e by Ted Dekker? No I *sigh* unfortunatly haven't. And as the school libery doesn't have it (the libery computers say they do, but apperantly last Christmas their was a computer crash, and it was one of the books that got 'lost' in the prosses*sobs*), so I have to by it (thank goodness the House of James is close by, the other book stores don't sell books by him). But guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was watching TV today, and I saw a movie trailer. At first I thought it was just another Black Christmas trailer until I noticed it had nothing to do with Christmas, and then the movie anouncer/voice over dude said it was the movie Thr3e coming (I don't know when, but some Friday in January). YIPEE!!!!!!!!!! I want to go see it.
Oh, I have two quotes that I found on the TV guide channel. The first if from Dick Chavvet (or something like that) and it goes "If your parents never had children, chances are you won't eather." And the second is annonomus and it goes "Your completly unick, just like everyone else." Oh and I saw a Crazy Law on the TV guide channel for some place in the US that dictaided "That anyone caught stealing a bar of soap must wash themselves with that bar until it is all gone." You know, I'm sure that's what the plan was for it anyway.
Oh, and one more thing. I have come to the conclution that I am not short. Just everyone else if freakishly tall. I'm normal, and everyone else is freakishly tall. And then all the stuff it seams I'm too short for is because they had to be build to accomidate the freakishly tall people. Like desks. Teachers are really silly. They say, put your feet flat on the the floor. So I put my feet flat on the floor and get told to sit up. Really I can't do both. If I sit up, I can only get my tippie toes on the floor, if I have my feet flat on the floor I have to slouch. So I decree that people should stop making things only for the freakishly tall people, but make some things an inch or two shorter for the normal people of the world. (except in book shelves and food shelves, then bring it down a lot. Seriously, sometimes when I'm groceriy shopping with my dad, and I see something on the top shelf we need. I have to jump to get it and even then I sometimes can't reach. And then someone asks if I need help. I tell them I do and thanks, but really I'm thinking 'No I'm just jumping and waving my arms towards something for the fun of it.) The factories of the world have to start thinking of the normal people again. But still keep the freakishly tall people in mind too.
Joking guys I love yous. Your not freakishly tall. (Except Lindsay, she's really tall. Joking! JOKING! JOKING! Please don't kill me).
And Lindsay, Kaeli, Steph, and possibly Gabe. No bugging me about the foot and jumping difficulties. I'll have you know that I'm taller then two people I know. My Oma and my cousin Becca. Though with me and Becca it's debatable.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Not that it really felt like Christmas until Boxing Day. On Christmas Eve we went to church in the morning, went for lunch with Oma, dropped Oma at home so she could take a nap. Went home, did absolutly nothing. Dad went to pick up Oma. We opened gifts, had dinner, went back to church for the Christmas Eve survice. Took Oma home. Went to bed. Well Dad went to bed, I couldn't sleep, again.
Christmas Day: Woke up, extanged gifts with Dad, got the truck washed, bought breakfast at a gas station, went home, did absoutly nothing besides switching between computer and tv. Went to bed latter that night. Fun I know.
Boxing Day: Woke up around lunch time. Tried to straighten then curl my hair. Didn't work, so I re-straightend it. Later that day we picked up Oma and went to Uncle Ben and Taunte Marlene's. Sat and talked with my Cousin Jen. Later helped my Cousin Kim feed her baby boy Adin. Eventualy everyone was their. My Cousin Ron I believe went to put Adin down for a nap and then we did a diffrent type of gift extange. We all brought a wrapped gift with no name, and put it in the middle, then went around in a cercal picked a gift from the center and opened it. After that Oma had some gifts for Adin witch Cousins Ron and Kim opened. Taunte Marlene also opened her gift from me and Dad, and I got a gift from Taunte Marlene and Uncle Ben. About this time Adin started screaming. Cousin Ron and Kim said to leave him because he just wasn't used to the place and he'd be back asleep in a few minutes. So every one but my Taunte Erna listned to them. Taunte Erna has skytsofrenia(sp?), and doesn't like to listen to people. She tried to get up to go to the baby but Cousin Ron told her no, that his cry's were going down and that if someone went in their, they'd just start up his tears again. Taunte Erna stood up so Cousin Ron Asked her were she was going, she said to the washroom. For some reason everyone believed her. But then we heard a door open (the bathroom door was already open) and Adin started crying louder. Not a good thing. Cousin Ron did not look happy. Around dinner time, me Dan Jen Cousin Ron and Cousin Kim sat at the 'kiddie' table (that table that the adluts don't sit at, and the no longer kids siting at), and everyone else at the other table to eat. Taunte Erna, trying to spoil it (or so I was told that she was trying too) wouldn't sit in the kitchen, but in the livingroom and wouldn't eat. Saying her brain would explode if she did. *shrugs* And she wanted to go home. But no one was going to take her until after dinner. So after dinner Uncle Ben took her home. The rest of the evening was spent just talking and sitting in the livingroom, with the TV fire crackling away.
And because I'm bored I'm going to list what I got:
From my Dad: Books One and Two of the Millie Keith Series.
From my Oma: Books Four and Five of the Millie Keith Series.
From one of Oma's friends that I don't know: A home made quilt that's warm and pretty.
From 'Santa': Candy, Tea in a can, a manicure set, and a straightening/curling iron.
From Aunty Sue & Uncle Mark: A black and white zip up hoodie and a book to write resipies in.
From Grandpa: A hand lotion, body butter, body cream, bath and shower gel, and bath puff that smell like pommogrants and mango (minus the puff of course).
From Taunte Marlene and Uncle Ben: An Indian Beading set. Make bracletts, and such with string and beads.
From the gift extange: A Cat Calander (which I had actualy wanted). I'm thinking it was from eather Becca and Ken or just Ken, cause Becca said Ken found it in the dollar store.
From Gabe: 4 pens, 4 pencils, 2 notebooks, and a CD.
How was all of your Christmas'?

Monday, December 25, 2006

FRUSTRATING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just reciently learned how stupid and idiotic some people, including me, can be. I just spent the last half hour trying to convince some think minded athiests that Xmas can be taken as an insult, and then it moved to a debat on weather Christmas is really a pagan holiday. In this proccess I'll admit I was probobly being thick minded too. But all their reasoning was really stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The really stupid thing was, was that I think one of them wasn't an athiest but a Christain as well. Not believing me! The world is crazy. In part due to people like me (and Kaeli, and Steph, and Gabe, and the craziest of us all Lindsay), but also due to people like them! They weren't listening to common sence! And they called basicaly my Socails teacher, my Paster at church (however boring his sermans are), and my old Youth Paster a lier. They tell me not to believe everything I read/hear and here they are feeding me lies. Dyeck! Yes I'm frustrated. Due to in part the fact that I'm tired and can't get to sleep.
Oh I think I have figured out why sometimes I like being around my Oma and sometimes I'm all snappy and in a get-me-out-of-here mood. When I like being around Oma, my dad isn't their. When I'm in a get-me-out-of-here mood, my dad's around. I donno, it's just he's really imature. He thinks he's acting all cool and such, and he's trying, but it's really lame and imature, and really really imbarrising.
On Saturday I went over to my Oma's and made Peppermint Cookies! Yum yum. According to a girl at Church their really called Ammoni Cookies, but Peppermint Cookies sounds so much better, and eatable (ateable?). It was soooooooooooooo much fun. We tried to mix the dow(sp?) with the blender thing (you know it's like a box, and you stick the beaters in the bottum, turn it on and adujust the speed) but both times we tried to dow(sp?), all of it, stuck to the beaters so it was a big blob:)! We fixed that my scraping it off the beaters and using a wooden spoon, which was almost as fun. The cookies tast great though.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


The banquet was so much fun! I got a lot of pics (still won't download grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). The best two are: one of Brent in a top hat and masquerade mask, and the other that looks like Kaeli is about to eat Lindsay. HEHEHE, that was an accident. I was trying to get a pic of Lindsay without her noticing, which I did, but Kaeli who I was sitting next to was eating as a snapped the pic, and the fork was halfway to her mouth and being right beside me it made her look really big in the pic. To make it funnier, Lindsay in the background looks like the fork is going into her throat and Kaeli is about to eat her. It's a good pic (no Lindsay I am NOT deleting it. It's a once in a life time pic). Then entertainment was, unique. Their was a video of an eggnog chugging contest, a spoof cheerleader thingamabob done by the Student Council President and Vice President I think, a video that my friend Alinkea stared in, and love notes were being read. Great night. The food was great. I eat most of it. The pickles were too sour, and the chicken too spicy, but the punch was great (punch fountain), the macaroni salad was excellent, as were the mash potatoes (which Gabe was exceptionaly happy about), and the corn was, well, corn. The biggest bit of entertainment I think though was our little candle display. It started with Kaeli tossing confetti into a tea light. Nothing happened. So Gabe tore off a corner of her napkin and dropped it in. Apparently instead of just burning like she hopped, it absorbed the melted wax and caught on fire. Big flame. Lindsay, not wanting it to touch the table or anything, tried to blow it out, but after almost burning herself (how she didn't is beyond me) she gave up. Steph, Lindsay, and me weren't as excited about it as Kaeli and Gabe (those two need help). Everyone in surrounding tables looked around to see what it was. None of us wanted to forfeit out drinks (though Gabe or Kaeli should have), so someone came from a different table, grabbed Courtney's punch (she had left the table) and poured it into the tea light. Their was a mini explosion (I wouldn't even call it that, more of a 'poof') were the flame (shrunk from having liquid poured on it) got bigger and with a small 'pop' and a few sparks and then died. Kaeli later, decided it looked uneven poured punch in another tea light to even it out.
After the banquet we went to Lindsay's house. We watched Phantom of the Opera. Remind me to never watch it again. There's romance from the very beginning basically, and too much singing. YES I know it's a musical but their doesn't have to be singing ever two bloody seconds. I fell asleep in the middle of it (I don't even think I made it to the middle. Wouldn't know I was asleep). In the morning after we were woken up (nether Lindsay or me wanted to get up I think) I found I was on the floor (I fell asleep in the chair, but for some reason was not surprised to find meself on the floor). Lindsay had apologised for waking us all up last night, which I didn't remember. Or maybe I did. I remember one point in the night being on the floor and putting my glasses into my sleeping bag. But that's a foggy memory. Well anyway we had breakfast, heart shaped waffles, berry's, whip cream, cantaloupe, grapes, juice, and more stuff that I can't remember. So after were all done, we had to go back to the school. Lindsay and Steph had to clean up. I was going to call my dad and get a ride home. No such luck, me daddy had to work that day. So instead I hung around with Kaeli and Gabe (not that that was a problem). We went out to the playground, and I got some pics their, and we watched the German school kiddies rehearse their Christmas thing. It was so cute they were singing Oh Christmas Tree in German, and one little boy was just screaming it out. We went to our 'corner' and I got more pictures their. All really random and pointless, but still fun. After Lindsay and Steph were done, I got a ride home with Gabe, Kaeli went back to Lindsay's house for a planning project. When I got home (around 11:35) I took a nap (till 2:30).
Today I got to go see Eragon. It's such a good movie! I don't see what so many people were complaining about. It was great. I give it a 9 1/2 out of 10, it lost the half mark in the beginning. But you see a movie is great when theirs a big battle within the first three minutes of the movie. And it's also great, if from a book, they can convince you something happened that didn't happen in the book, just to find out it doesn't happen. Which happened to me. Oh well. I won't tell you what I'm talking about cause I'm sure some of you want to see the movie.
Today I started thinking. When I was little my Cousin Paul had a little boy named Tyrell(sp?). He died at ten months from a whole in his heart. As I was thinking, I remember that some years after Tyrells death (like maybe a year) Paul had a daughter (well not him personally, his girlfriend/wife did). I can't remember her name. I haven't seen her since, well never. I've never seen her other then a picture my Oma had once, which I haven't actually seen in a while. See this girlfriend/wife person left Cousin Paul and took their daughter with her. No one talks of Cousin Paul's little girl, not even Cousin Paul. He's gotten re-married and has two step daughters and a step grandson. But still what about his little girl? Does she have a 'new' daddy? Does she know about Paul? I really want to talk to him about it, but I don't really want to invade is privacy, or offend him. Isn't he curious about her? Something? Anything? I wanna know, and I'm sure other people would too. *Sigh* Guess I won't find out anyway.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


OK, it's offical, Mr. Girards class is beyond hopeless (it already was hopeless not it's succeded past that). Were starting our mental health unit. Fine whatever, and then we start talking about depresstion, whoopie, no big deal. Then he gives us this quiz. At the end, we tally up our marks (it's one of those things that ask you questions, you rate them and each rate spot has a sertain amount of marks) and see where you are. I asked Gabe if I had to do it, because it seamed really personal. She said yes unless I wanted to get hit, and she could hit really hard. Then I relized she'd also tell Lindsay who'd probly hit me, and somewere along the way Kaeli would find out and hit me. So I tell Gabe this, and she said Steph might hit me too. I don't want a bruise so I did that stupid quiz to find out I have 'Mild Depression'. On the higher end of the scale too. If you got between 11-20 you had 'Mild Depression' and I got 18! Whooptie-dingle-doo.
Oh I am going to try to upload pics again (two of peppy). Ok here goes:

Monday, December 11, 2006


Ok we got our new english teacher today. Mrs. something (I can't remember). She has shoulder lingth blond hair, is tall and slim. I have the feeling no one likes her. She seams strict, but maybe it's because it's her first day here. I don't know. But instead of working on our design and media unit, she made us write an essay on Christmas, AND PLAN IT OUT! I don't plan anything out in detal. Bleck. Well maybe she will get better. If not I feel sorry for her, I'm sure most of the class will rebel just cause she's a new teacher.
And in English class we got to see a picture of Miss Esau's baby. She's adorible, but really small.
OK after school I take the bus home, it was really windy standing outside waiting for the bus, but whatever, I get home, cheak the mail, and start going up the stairs when all the lights went out. POOF no lights, just back up lights. So I finish going up the stairs, and like where my locker is at school, theirs no lights in the hallway, and no window's. So I find the door (which isn't hard, it's the first door to the left) and get it. No lights. So I go to my room to read. Fine and dandy, but it starts getting darker so I light up a latern my cousin and her husband gave me. That worked fine until it started to get darker, and tee lights don't give off much light. So I blew it out and got a bigger candle and light that instead, having to move it to my socials text book every once in a while to be able to read it. That dried out my contact lenses so I went and took them out. Then continued my homework. The lights went out around 3:15 and didn't come back on till 5:30! But the powers back on now (thankfully).
Oh and guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The bus that I got picked up from to go to school, was decorated. The only bus I've seen like it (even out off all the ones today). It had antlers with lights on them, a big red nose, a smile on the bottum of the bus, white lights down the side, and coloured lights on the back. It was so pretty/funny. Random too, but cool.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


If you've ever seen the animated movie Anastasia you should sort of know that song. It's so pretty. It's like a lullaby but still a song. It's a Christmas one I've figured out because not only is it about December they only play the music video of it on CMT (it's done by a country singer) during December with all their other Christmas video's. But it's so pretty here it is:
Once Upon a December
By: Deana Carter

Dancing bears
Painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away
Long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away
Long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December


Ok this is amazing. My hair, which is usualy really really really straight, has managed to curl! Usualy it takes a curling iron, who know's how much hairspray and gel, and someone else to controle the curling iron to get my hair to resemble curly hair, and even then it doesn't last. But last night I was doing some Christmas shopping and me and my dad had picked a card off of the Salvation Army Christmas tree to by a gift for. I picked a nine year old girl who wanted clothes, make-up or books, so first I went to the book store and got her a pick your own adventure book, and then on the way out we were stopped by this lady in this middle of the mall hallway shop. She was selling something called a seramic iron. She was telling my dad what a great gift it would be, and saying every girl needed one, so I asked what it was. Then saying that if I'd never heard of it I wouldn't believe it if she just told me, she sat me down in a chair and pulled out this straightening iron. This thing was actualy interessting. Apparently the metal is seramic so it wasn't harmful to the hair making it so you could straighten your hair everyday if you wanted to. Then apparently it could also become a curling iron, and she showed me how to do that too, and amazingly on the first try, no hair spray, no gel the thing curled my hair, and it stuck. I personaly was amazed, and they stayed in curls for the rest of the evening night, while I slept, and now today half of it is still up, the other side smushed cause I slept on it. But it was amazing this thing actualy worked.
And another thing about it though, in english were learning about markiting and media and such, and all the diffrent way they try to get you to by it. And one such way is the 'Butter up the consumer' claim. And I'm pretty sure that's what she was using. Sounded like it. But the thing was cool, and it kept my hair in curls. Which is something nothing else has done. I think it's actualy for real, not a fake thing.
Oh and after I got the book for the girl, my dad bought her make-up too.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


First and formost. My english teacher, and last years beloeved girls PE teacher, Mrs. Esau (usualy called Miss Esau) is going to have a baby. This we should all know by now. The baby's not due till January. But today we get to english to find we have a sub. Everyone likes "ok, sure whatever". Nothing special about it. Some people tried to get out of the test until Miss Esau comes back, but the sub said she's not coming back. Apperintly she was taken to the hospital last night, theirs some complications with her peregnancy and somethings not going right. So their going to have to do a see-sections (sorry don't know how to spell the proper word sisarian or something like that), and soon I think. So Miss Esau's on Manternatly leave a little earlier then expected. So today I didn't have an english teacher, tomorrow I don't have an english teacher it'll just be the sub agian, and on Monday the new teacher (who we have no clue who they are) will be coming. It'll be a brand new teacher to the school, because apperantly today they were conducting interviews.
OK lunch today was a BLAST! Just watching was fun. For the first half, it was the usualy sitting and talking with Kaeli, Lindsay, and Gabe (Steph seams to hardly be their anymore. I don't think she loves any of us). Not that theirs anything wrong with sitting and talking with Kaeli, Lindsay, and Gabe, in fact it's quite funny. But anyway, Gabe goes up to the liberary and Steph, Luke, and Grace I think show up, or tecnacly move over from their sitting spot on the other side of were the rest of us sat. Grace and Steph were trying to get Lukes bag from him, as well as a necklace. And Janelle put snow down his back. It was quite funny to watch actualy.
I got a new Bible today. Cause I keep leaving my other one at home by accident, instead of bringing it to school for Planning. So I bought a new Bible just for school. But it'll probobly be in my backpack a lot too. It's compact, the main colour is Magenta (that's what it say's on the side of the box it came in) and has a Pink butterfly (or as Kaeli calls them flutterby's) on the top left corner that is nearly half the lingth of the cover and a just over a quarter of the hight. It's really pretty. The sides of the pages are silver instead of gold or just normal whit, and theirs a pretty white bookmark ribbon thing that's sowen into the book for a bookmark in it. It's pretty.
Well I gotta go. I have math homework that I gotta due. And cause Gabe brought our Fort Garry home to work on it, I havta do the write up for it. Fare is fare.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Mr. Girard(sp?) should be FIRED! Expesialy after what he said today, weather he ment it to sound like what it did or not. It was just plain wroooooooooooong. Steph and Gabe should know what I'm talking about, but I don't think Lindsay and Kaeli know. We had just finished that stupid test, and we got to mark it as well. For one question a girl asked if a sertain answer that sounded like the original one would work, and he said no, so she asked for half marks, and again he said no. So she said just loud enough to be heard, "Well your just a bad teacher." he said, I'm not sure how exactly I was kinda paying attention, just enough to know if the answer of the persons paper I was marking was right, well anyway he said, "I am a bad teacher, maybe you all should give me a spanking." I don't think he ment anything wrong by it, but it sounded wrong, extremely wrong. The class was dead silent for half a second then everyone started laughing. He actualy figured out what he had said wrong and said, "Some people could take offense to that," and something else that I can't remember. But he should be fired, not only because he doesn't even understand what he's teaching, he's turned devotions into a government thing, and because of that saying that he said. He should be fired.
Ok that's my oppionion. gotta go, bed time (bleck, need sleep).

Saturday, December 02, 2006


OK I have a list of questions that has kinda gotten into my head, and I kinda really would like to see peoples oppionions on them. So would you please read them and answer them please. I'd really really really really really really really really really really appriciate it (better then I can spell the word I tell ya).

1) Are angels perfect?
2) When people die, do they become angels?
3) Are their classes of angels?
4) What would happen if an angel became a person?
5) Do angels die?
6) Do demons die?
7) Can an angel be tempted?
8) If angles and demons can die, what happens to them after they do?
9) Do angels celebrate the holiday's? (Like Christmas and Easter)
10) Can a demon become good?
11) What do angles do for fun?

You'll find out soon what this is for. I would just really like answers to these questions. Please and thank you.
