Written Scramble

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today me friends, is special day in the history of all of Written Scramble blog posts. Today is the day that has the blog has been waiting for, for ever. Yes my friends, today I post pictures for the first time
Ok formalities done: what do we have first?
Christmas tree:
Today me friends, is a sad sad day. Today the words of the Written Scramble morn, because the pictures that were to be, for the first time ever uploaded, will not upload. Please join me in a moment of silence. ............................................................
But wait, will shale try once more:
No my friends, it can not be so. I am, so sorry. *sniff* *sniff* *removes imaginary hat* The pictures were good pictures, they were so looking forward to being seen.

Monday, November 27, 2006


OK we just got a foot of snow (or about that much anyway), and their cancelling school, giving out road safty warnings, and complaining about the cold. The high today is -6, the windchill factor making it FEEL like -15. The low being around -21 tonight. People are freaking out over the snow and cold. But guess what, it's just snow, and not that much of it eather, or at least not enough to warrent a snow day. The drivers of this town need common sence, they heard in advance that their was supposed to be a lot of sticky snow, so what do they do "Oh were fine with our all season tires". No they need WINTER TIRES!
OK now onto the snow day stuff. It's only a little foot of snow, whoopie, not enough to warrent a snow day. Not at all, (not that I'm complaining I like getting out of school on the account that the school board is afraid of a little white powder), no no no. And to the temporature, live with it. It's not that cold out. Sure -6, windchill factor of -15. You point is? It's nice out. Again not enough to warrent a snow day (or to warrent an 'inside' day at elementry schools).
Today is pretty though. The snow on the ground and clinging to tree branches, no clouds in the pale sky blue sky (which means it will be colder), sun light shinning down reflecting off of the snow. It's pretty, and it is picture worthy.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


IT'S SNOWING! *wails*! I don't like snow. It's cold, and wet, and gets into your shoes, and into your socks, and hurt when throughn at you, and it is just PLAIN HORRIBLE! Not that their are some good sides of it. I like the sound of snow crunching under your feet, I do like having a snowball fight, it is fun to watch fall, and making snowmen and snow angels is fun. According to my Uncle David, snow is actualy clear and the reason it looks white is because of how it reflexs light (sort of like the Polar Bear, their fur is actualy clear, and the skin is black, but they look all white). And the best advantage of snow, were I live people freak out at the sight of hardly a millimeter of snow. We have a good two inches or so of snow already, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, it's supposed to snow tomorrow, and eather tomorrow or Tuesday theirs supposed to be flurry, and all that snow will not only freak everyone out (at least all the people who have never lived up north, or far down south were it snows, or any non-coastal are in BC and other Provences), but hardly anyone has Winter tires. They have 'all season' tires and think that that will keep them safe. NEWS FLASH! They don't, not in icy snowy weather, 'all season' tires work on dry ground, and wet ground, not icy or snowy ground. So because no one has Winter tires, theirs going to be a lot of snow, and lots of people who go to my school live out of town, their is a good chance that SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW! Or at least I hope so. But then I think it would be fun to walk to the bus stop in the snow, listening to the crunch crunch crunch of it under my shoes, and to have my hood down and have the snow fall into my hair, and sneak up on my friends and dump a snowball on them (watch out guys, it just might happen).
Another advantage of snow: it's below freezing weather which means Jack Frost SHOULD be coming for a vist any time soon. Now if you don't know who Jack Frost is you are seriously deprived. No he's not the snowman in the movie 'Jack Frost'. He's this guy who in the winter goes to peoples houses and paints frosted pictures made of ice crystals on their windows! When I was little and lived in Sickanee(sp?) with my mom, dad, Grandma, and Grandpa, every morning after Grandpa had gone to work, me and Grandma would go to the kitchen window and look at the picture Jack Frost left behind. I remember mountains, and bears, and lots of funny pictures. They would melt by lunch time or mid-afternoon because even the week sun could melt it, and because it was above the stove. It was so pretty, and it was just me and Grandma who would look at the pictures, and Grandma told me the story of Jack Frost. Unfortunatly, he forgot our house this morning, when I woke up their was no Jack Frost picuter. *Pouts, sticks up nose and goes 'HMPH'*
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH I'm happy now! I got my dress! It's not the one I saw in Walmart, me and daddy went to the mall today, and the first dress we saw was this red dress with the jagad cut thing on the bottum, and I can't remember the top. It was pretty, but Daddy said it would be too short. Then the next dress (in the same middle of Mall Hallway shop), was this pretty black dress that was long, and had a halter topish thing, but had string or something on the back so it was less uncovered. We kept it in mind while looking around. We went to The Bay next. All the dresses we found were eather to skimpy for my tast, or to big, or not my style. So we went to Sears. We found two dresses their that I liked, one was black, just above the knee in lingth and spagettie strap. The straps were pink, and their was two pink strips at the top, a pink sash, and under the dress was a mesh type material that had a pink bottum that just pocked out from under the dress. I tried it on, and it was pretty, but it reminded me of a bridesmaids dress, so I didn't pick it. The next dress was so pretty. It was black, the zipper was on the side, and so easy to hid, it was spagetti strap as well, but over it was a see-through black mini-T-shirt thing, that was sowen onto the dress. It was so pretty. But I thought it was to low rise at the top for my hight. It was a size twelve, so with help from a person who worked their I found a size ten and size eight of the same dress. I tried the size ten on, it fit nice, but it was really long in the leg, and while covering up better then the other one, was really lose at the top. So I didn't get that one. I tried on the size it, and it went to just below the knee's, was high enough that it would keep the wearer modest, and looked really really pretty. I liked it. So now I had to deside between this dress and the black dress I had saw earlier. Their was no garentee that the other dress would fit because as it was a mid-hall shop their was no dressing rooms. Not to mention that I plan to wear my banquet dress to Christmas and Tante Marleens and Uncle Bens, the second dress I could wear without my Tante Marleen having a heart attack, or my Oma talking about the modesty of such, or without having Tante Erna going on about how I should be a proper lady. That and it was prettier. So I got it! I'm so happy! Now I only have to get some shoes to go with it! YA! I'm so happy now, and I love the dress.

Friday, November 24, 2006


OK THIS ISN'T FAIR! I had found the perfect dress for the Christmas banquet. Now usualy I'm not to conserned about clothes but it was perfict. It was black with a sparkly grey vail type dress thing over it (conected), and for the sash was the sparkly grey vail thing material scrunched up to make it darker, it was a spaggetie strap that went down to the knee's. It was SO PRETTY! And it was at Walmart. It's the dress I wanted. So I managed to convince my dad to go dress shopping with me to go get the dress. So we go to Walmart to find out IT'S NOT THERE! I searched everywere for this dress! and I couldn't find it! It's not like they sold out of it, Walmart doesn't sell out on anything. IT'S NOT FAIR! The dress even fit into the banquet theme of Phantom of the Opera. *wails*. So I ask my dad if we can go to other stores to find a dress cause really the dress I wanted was the only good dress in Walmart, and he said NO. It wasn't even after five yet, so it couldn't have been that it was too late. NOooooooooooooooooo he had already promised my Oma that we'd bring her dinner, WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME! And then told me he wasn't going to buy the dress today anyway and that he was going to wait till payday! Why did he get my hopes up then? He know's nothing about girls! And then for some reason, I started CRYING! I don't cry over clothes, and yet I was, crying like a little kid (just not as loud without the sobs just the tears) who didn't get a lollypop. Why was I being so foolish and selfcentered?
Of course the nights misfortunes were not over yet. Noooooooo. We had to get KFC! I HATE KFC, AND ALL FASTFOOD RESTURANTS! I'm so sick of going out for dinner. We always go out for dinner and I'm just sick of it! Sure it was ok for the first month, but after that it just got annoying, I get sick after we eat out. I want to eat at home! A home cooked meal, at home without my Oma! She's annoying, I love my Oma and all, but I can predict everything she's going to say 'I wish I could read a ten of what you can' 'You read to much' 'Oma never had good eyes' 'Had to take care of my siblings' 'You write to much' 'I wish I could write as well as you can' and on and on and on every time I see, which is almost every single day for dinner. What's worse is I could be talking to daddy, and trying to tell him something and she just cuts in to ask him something as if I wasn't even talking, and he won't say 'One minute Mom, I'm listening to Hailey' he just starts listening to her. I don't like it, I can't stand it. And both my dad's and Oma's table manners stink. I look over and my dad's chewing with his mouth open so I ask him to stop and he goes 'What?' so I tell him and he just scoffs, and will stop, for a while. At least he can quitely chew with his mouth open, I look at Oma and she's chewing with her mouth open, and to save myself the imbarressment of asking three or four times if she can chew with her mouth closed before she understands me, I try to ignore it, but it's all 'Smack smack smack' or whatever the sound is of when a person chew's with their mouth open!
I don't know, maybe I just feel like complaining, but I can't STAND IT! I can't. It's so frustraiting, that I will cry, and I don't like crying, crying is babyish and PMSish, and I ain't a baby and it sure ain't the time for the latter!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


OK I had a blast today. First me and my dad went to science world, then we watched the christmas parade. First at the science world we went to see the body exibit of the people who died and donated their body to science and it was put to the use of having their skin removed and having sometimes their organs removed and put on display. That was interessting, but not as great as I thought it would be. Oh well *shrugs*. After that we walked around science world and did a whole bunch of scientific stuff that was fun. My favorite part was this game were you sat down, strapped this thing to your head, making sure the three metal bits were touching your forhead, and relaxed. Across from you the other player was doing the same thing. The more relaxed you were it pushed this little ball trough this tub, and if you could get it to the other players end zone before it was pushed to yours you one. I went against my dad, and I was starting to get tired so I slumped on my arm and kept my eyes closed most of the time, and only thinking 'inhale, exhale' with each breathe. I opened my eyes once in a while to see were the ball was, and it never once was on the other player (my dad's) side. I won! That was fun.
The parade was fun too, but I have a complaint with the little kids. As soon as someone from a float or a group started handing out stuff, weather they needed it or not, all these little kids would crowed around the person, holding out their hands, and not once did I hear anyone say thank you. I know their only little kids but by the age of seven or eight you should know your manners. This one girl, when eather her mother or grandmother told her to get back on the sidewalk she said 'I can't I'm getting stuff, duh'. I thought that was so rude.
Oh oh, I bought something that I'm sure a certain group of people coughlindsaystephgabekaelicough would like. I had to get my dad to buy it. So I couldn't get the back of two cause it was $24, the pack of twelve was $6 and the pack of six was $4. I got the pack of twelve. They look cool but I haven't actualy used them yet. So you want to know what it is? I don't know, maybe I won't tell you. Ok I will, (just so you all don't kill me). I got a pack of twelve candles that burn diffrent colours! Theirs two blue burning, two orange burning, to green burning, two white burning, two purple burning, and two red burning candles! COOL! Ok that's all.

Friday, November 17, 2006


OK let me tell you about tonight. I went to my school's volleyball game (cause one of my friends Lindsay wanted me to go). I thought you know, it would be ok, I'd fall asleep, wake up when the game is over, like every volleyball I've been dragged to. But not this one! It was so interessting, I didn't even notice how fast the time seamed to fly, even watching the warm up was fun! So heres how it went, it was best out of five. Our school won the first two games, and the other team won the next two. So it was down to the final game. They only had to go to fifteen and win by two points. By this time the boys volleyball coach was steaming mad, I think it had something to do with the last two rounds. It was going well, we were winning, when the other team sent the ball flying and it hit the Flag! The game halted, both teams thinking it would be a roofed ball, our team hoping it was, the other team hoping it wasn't. This got the coach even more mad, steaming worse then before, I think he was seeing red and ready to turn into a bull! But the ref desided it wasn't a roofed ball, so no one would get the point. We weren't happy about that. And then finaly, it was down to 10:14, our team having the 14, the other team scores. So now it's 11:14, we still having the 14, and we get a point. We won! WE WON! We were all standing jumping, screaming hugging each other! And then to top it all off, Kaeli who had cup of water went down the bleachers, with me, Lindsay, and Lindsay's sister, and up to Mr. Opp. Of course, he spotted her first, and said 'hi' and noticed the glass of water. I don't know if he thought anything of it but he walked away and we cought up with him, and as he was talking with someone else Kaeli tossed the water on him! Down is front this time, not his neck. That was so funny.
Their was only one emotionaly scaring (Lindsay's words) thing. This guy, Dustin, came to the game (hey that rhymed) in half the school colours. Yellow. He was dressed in this tight fuzzy yellow zip up sweater, and tight yellow fuzzy, short shorts. As if that wasn't desturbing enough, during one of the interemissions he started dancing on the volleyball court, and his swearter started to un-zip. That was just wrong. Everytime one of us spotted him it was all 'Ew ew ew ew' with the occational 'I'm emotionaly scared for life'.
So as you can tell, I had fun.

People are so stupidly gulible

OK this is just to funny to pass up. I was on neopets (I like that sight ok), and I was on the neopet writers board. What started out as this person trying to give an IQ test (which wasn't even close to a real one), switched to a talk amoust Canadians. Their was like four of us their, and one American person. The American was from New York, and the rest of us are all spread out across Canada. It was hillarious. We had the person going on about igloo's, and dogsleeds and ten feet of snow in the summer. So the igloo houses were small, one room snow caves. With ice couches, ice tables so low we had to sit cross legged on the floor, and blubber beds. To use the computers we used were powered by extention cords that went out of the igloo's to the main building that wasn't an igloo that all the people in our igloo village used. Even after I confessed that we didn't live in igloo's, use dog sleds, and have ten feet of snow in the summer, the person kept asking questions, until all of us confessed that we were joking, then she tried to tell us we didn't have her fooled.
She was just so gulable? I mean who really believes that?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Their was this big big wind storm and then in the middle of lunch the power went out, then came back on for a few secounds and then went out again! It's amazing how no electricity can send a school full of teens into panic/caouse. It was funny, the lights went out and everyone started screaming and jumping all happy. Then when the bell rang we had to navigate through the crowd to lockers, and figure out how to open them with no light, then had to continue navigating to our classes. After that was done halfway through the first class after lunch the principal comes on and say's that no school will not be canceled like it normaly would. Which wasn't fare (*sticks tongue out at Kaeli*) fair, because me Gabe and Steph had our mock interveiws in the last class. The teacher was such a pain with it though. We all had to start at the same time, end at the same time and re-start at the same time, when we all finished at diffrent times, so we got to sit and do nothing while waiting. Finaly about 15-20 minutes before school normaly would be let out the principal came back on and said we could leave, but the teacher wouldn't let us until we finished the intereviews (luckly we were on the last round). then me and some friends stood out in the wind for a while, went back in, but then I had to go back out to catch the bus. It was a great afternoon (minus planning class).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Alyssa Lies

Thanks to Lindsay I have found the song I like called Alyssa Lies. It's by Jason Michael Carrol. It's so pretty, and sad, and the music to go with it is so mournful I wanted to cry. Here's the lyrics (again thanks to Lindsay who probably has no clue what I mean):

My little girl met a new friend just the other day
On the playground at school
Between the tires and the swing
But she came home with tear filled eyes
And she said to me "daddy Alyssa lies."

Well I just brushed it off at first
Cause I didn’t know how much my little girl had been hurt
Or the things that she had seen
I wasn’t ready when I said you can tell me
and she said

Alyssa lies to the classroom
Alyssa lies everyday at school
Alyssa lies to the teachers
As she tries to cover every bruise

My little girl laid her head down that night to go to sleep
As I stepped out of the room I heard her say a prayer so soft and sweet
God bless my mom and my dad
And my new friend Alyssa, I know she needs you bad because

Alyssa lies to the classroom
Alyssa lies everyday at school
Alyssa lies to the teachers
As she tries to cover every bruise

I had the worst night of sleep in years
As I tried to think of a way to calm her fears
I knew just what it was I had to do
But when we got to school on Monday
I heard the news

My little girl asked me why everybody looked so sad
The lump in my throat grew bigger
With every question that she asked
Until I felt the tears run down my face
And I told her that Alyssa wouldn’t be at school today

Cause she doesn’t lie, in the classroom
She doesn’t lie, anymore at school
Alyssa lies with Jesus
Because there’s nothing anyone would do.

Tears filled my eyes
When my little girl asked me why
Alyssa lies

Daddy tell me why
Alyssa lies

I think that song is so pretty. I love it. I want to see the music video for it. Then again I might actually cry during it.
I am also wondering something with country singers: how many of them are actually Christians? If you listen to a country station at least three in every five songs has the mention of God or Jesus in it. Even if it's just a mention. But how many of them are really Christians, and how many are just pretending? It's a good question.
OH, and I'm jealous of Steph. See theirs an author in our school. An actual published author! And she got to meet him! NO FARE! Not fare at all! That's why I'm jealous, don't worry Steph it'll be over by Monday.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I maid up my mind.

I have gotten the blogger beta. So far I see nothing diffrent with it.
OH I have heard the most beutiful song today (or one of them anyway). I can't remember who sang it, only it was a guy (really narrow's it down seeing as most of the country singers are male. Their's more male CSingers then girls). It was called Lisa Lies, or Elisa Lies. or somthing. On min, let me find the words (google is a wonderful thing). No I can't find it. I probobly need the singer. Lindsay help! After I find the lyric's I'll post them (Lindsay HELP please!)

Should I or shouldn't I?

Every time I log on I get this thing about an update on blogger. It's the same thing, only with the ability to block people from reading your blog if you don't want them to, and all this other stuff. I was just wondering should I get it or not? It's free and it's still the same blog. I don't know.
(boy that was short)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ello again.

Sorry about staying up so late Linds, but I usualy stay up late on weekends, I just don't usualy blog when I'm up that late (if you want to know why, read what Lindsay responded to my last post).
I have finished my crossword book. Yesterday. I had done three while waiting for dinner (at Boston Pizza's), and more when we got home, so I have that done, now I'm going to have to get more. It got to the point I wasn't even reading the topic I was doing and was just doing the puzzle, and after three or for still think I was on the first one and wonder what these words had to do with that topic. So that part of my life is done (besides the one my mom did and maybe the ten I had previusly done, it was only about sixty puzzles I did in three days.) And before you go saying I need a life (Lindsay) it was just a break from my life.I was doing that while taking a break from my NaNoWriMo which I should be getting back too.
Which reminds me. I have added a sort of character to my NaNoWriMo story and I would like some feedback on it. It's name is Oap. It's a tree (yes the tree is a character), that looks like an oak tree, has wheeping willow tipe branches with pine needles instead of leaves, has a huge ugly grin in the middle of his trunk (or the main part of the tree anyway), that dripps sap (like maple surup sap, mmmmmm). So basicaly what he does is stand in the middle of a forest (clique for a tree I know) at the edge of the Demon town. And if slaves go running, and go into the forest (which if the Demon's are following them will try to herd them too), they'll run into him. And he'll start hitting you with his branches, and needles, which really hurts, and as you turn and run back (towards the Demons), he follows still whipping out with his branches. And only stops when the Demon Master has a hold of his slave, and thanks Oap for his assitance. Is it a good character, or should I make fire wood out of him? Thanks.

Green is growing.

I think the green template is growing on me. I like it. It's diffrent then what I used to have, so it's strange. I like strange.
Sorry Kaeli if their is any spelling mistakes (well mre then my usual ones anyway). It's really late, I can't sleep and my spelling is worse. It's to the point that I can point out some of my own mistakes.
I relise I have the best friends in the world (ok so I knew that for a while but stil...). OK don't mind me, I'm tired, and I lose my mind when I'm tired. Well I'm going to get off now before Lindsay starts yelling at me for staying up alte. Night all.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I can't believe it. I just found out that one of my friends who I've known since forever (grade 1 actualy) does drugs. She didn't tell me or anything (we haven't talked in forever). She had come on line so I clicked on her and tried to talk. She logged out before saying anything. I was looking at her display pic, and thought it was sorta wierd so I clicked on it to see if I could get a clearer picture of it, and found I could go to her profile, so I clicked it and as I was reading it, I had read this thing that said: 'I love to have fun and get high in the process...ya i know drugs are bad but i dont give a shit' That was a direct quote. I just couldn't believe it. I can't. She was always the inbetween of me and one of our friends, I was the angel, she was in between, and the other friend was the rebel. I knew the other friend would go down the drain (I don't even know where that friend is), but I never suspected it out of this friend. She just wasn't like that. She used to me to church and now she does drugs. I don't know why but it was a big blow to me. I mean I know I haven't talked to her in a couple months, (ok make that maybe a year), but still, she was my best friend, for a good five years of my life (before we kinda lost communication), she was one of the first three people I met in my trailor coart (with her little sister, and other friend), she was the one who would come over to my house and make a fort out of my bunk bed with me. The one who I'd go over to her house (just down the road) and have sleep overs, singing along to 'I'm a Barbie Girl' and 'Boom Boom Boom Boom' (I think that's what it was called). We had every class together from Grade One through Grade Three. And now this. It's just so unexpected and so unlike the girl I knew. I almost want to cry.

New Template thing

Ok as you can obviously tell (if you can't get glasses/contacts or get a stronger perscription), I have changed my template (only the colour though). The whole resone I did was because my wonderful friend Steph kept complaining that my template was the exact same as her's (which I noticed but didn't really care about, I liked that template). So to make her happy, I kept the template and changed the colour. Hope your happy Steph. I might change it back though, if I don't adjust to the green.

Have you ever noticed that...........

half the worship songs in our Chaple have absolutly nothing to do with worship? I mean sure, they tell us it is worship but it's NOT! Worship is when your praising God, not when your telling others, or just saying God is bla bla bla bla bla, or saying God Your bla bla bla bla bla. And of all the songs we sang today only the last one was really a worship song because it wasn't telling about what God was, it wasn't telling God what He know's He is, it was just praising him, the other three were not! Sorry they weren't. And most 'worship' songs don't. Sorry they don't.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


As one of my friends (Steph) had said, why is it called PMS if it goes past the pre part? I have to agree, it goes right into it. It's terrible! As if bleeding wasn't enough, no lets put in stomach achs, and headachs, and cramps, and moodswings, and chocolate intake increase (which isn't so bad), and wanting to watch the non romance chick flicks (which really sucks). It's just no fun, no fare, and stinks. If people think (insurt random evil person here) is bad, they obviously haven't met a PMSing girl, seriusly (I know spelled it wrong, I don't really care). With me I get headachs (stupid idiotic things), stomach achs (only one or two), and moodswings (I think their more of mood cercals as I go from being snappy, to feeling guitly about snapping at the person, and the guilt leads to being wheppy, then someone asks if I'm ok, or if I'm crying, and I snap agian. See mood cercal, not swing, cercal).
In that way, guys are lucky, they don't have to go through this every flippen month, not ever! Unless your my mom who thinks that guys have 'cycles' too, just without the bleeding (which if it was true is quite creepy). I don't believe her, but her best friend does (she's the one who told my mom this 'fact') and even worse HER BOYFRIEND BELIEVES IT TOO! He really believes it. Now that this IS creepy. And wrong.
No I'm not in a good mood, anymore. I was fine until about last block (of four) of sitting in a desk (or chair of any kind). After four blocks of sitting, I wasn't happy (proven fact, stupid excersese helps DMS *I refuse to call it PMS*), and the test prep wasn't happy. Give me about an hour and I'll be fine (until my Oma calls to go out for dinner).
Ok now that I've dumped my problems down (figuritvly unfortunatly) I'm getting off. Bye

Monday, November 06, 2006

On the bright side, I'm not wearing glasses

My day has gone from bad to worse, and then down hill, starting from last night. I went to bed at 10:30 (as always), and woke up at FOUR IN THE MORNING! Because their was rain betting againts the window, and wind howling by that, and downstairs someone left something open so their was this bang, bang, bang coming form downstairs. It was sometime after five before I could fall back asleep. Then in the morning after my alarm clock went off, I should have just turned it off and staid in bed but no, I got out and managed to get everything done before I had to go. I look out side to find it's still RAINING! So I grab my umbrella (a cheep dollar store one), and left the house to find it wasn't just raining as the window showed it was POURING RAIN, as in down pour. But still I went on, around puddles when possible (you have to relise I was in runners). But still I got water on my pants (their to long for me, what do you expect?), and then the wind catches under my ubrella, flipping it inside out, so I close it and re-open it, and it was ok. After this I had to cross a street, and then the little turnway street (it's hard to explain but you go through it to take a right turn instead of waiting at the light), and bother were flooded, so I had water in my shoes and still on the bottum of my pants, not that it mattered because the rain had soaked most of it. Then to top that off, the wind caught under my umbrella again and it flipped inside out again, so I closed it and opened it to find it was completly busted. So now I have soaked pants, a soaked jacket and a soaked backpack, do you think that was enough? NO! A bus had to go by and hit a puddle, getting MORE water on me. But I maid it to the bus stop, to find my side of the road was half flooded, but luckly it's a two lane per direction road so most drivers went into the farther lane to not stir up the water, but I still stood behind the bus bench for protection against anyone who desided to go through the water. One such vehical being a small little compact, and that vehical went through the water so fast that the wave things that usualy go on the sidewalk and get people soaked went over the bench and landed on my feet. Then the bus finally came and I was glade. So far the only good things of the day being this bus didn't get me wet and I wasn't wearing light coloured clothing. I get to school, and my friends laughed at me (but I was laughing with them so that was a plus:)) My first class was out in the protable, so I had to go back outside but luckly the door was unlocked so we could go straight in. Then I had to sit, half soaked through speaches of confederation before going up to deliver mine. Finally that was over, and the only funny thing about that was a Disney line "My toes are frozen, and my legs are frozen, and my ears (thank's for reminding me of that one Kaeli) are frozen, and my noes is frozen and my tail is frozen and I'm hungry" passed through my mind, cause my toes and legs were frozen. After that the day was ok, my pants dried off (slowly) but my socks never, so I had wet sock syndrom (wss) all day. When school was out I looked out the window and it looked like it had stopped raining, or slowed down a lot, so I was relitivly happy when I got my stuff packed up and went outside, to find it was still raining almost as hard, and the only thought that passed in my head was "Well at least I'm not wearing my glasses" because I promised Gabe that I'd try to be optimistic today. But halfway around the feild (I didn't feel like walking across it as it was practicaly a swamp) it stopped raining, but it was too late, I was already soaked. I hate the rain. More then I hate snow.
OH and a NaNoWriMo update I am now at: 9 906/50 000 words.
Oh planning was fun today (well as fun as planning class can be), because our teacher let us sit wherever we wanted (because the desks were in groups not rows). So me and Steph and Gabe all sat in the same desk grouping (first time we could sit togther all year). And even though are desk grouping was right next to were the teacher was talking and teaching, he didn't seam to notice us. He didn't notice me or Steph writing (though I couldn't tell if Steph was taking notes, but it couldn't be cause she wrote while he was showing and explaining those comic strips), he forgot to give us worksheets, and didn't call a member of our group up for this thing he was doing. It was a great class.
Getting off now

Sunday, November 05, 2006


It's a scam people. Don't be like me a fall for it. I found the site, and sent in a poem (the only poem I had that fit the requirements). A couple months later I get this letter in the mail, telling me my poem made it to the semi-finals and had been picked to be published in this book called 'Immortal Versus'. Of course I was astatic and sent in my permission to have in published. I didn't order a book though (how they make their money) cause I really didn't want to spend 30 some dollars on a book that I could get at the book store later for less then that. After a while I get another letter from them saying that I had won the 'Editors Choice Award' AND my poem had been picked to be one of '33' poets to have their poem read professional on this 'Sounds of Poetry' CD. Again astatic I sent in my permission (again not by the CD, book, or my poem on a plaque). It was only after this that my friend (Steph) brought it to my attention that it was a scam (much thanks to Steph). Then today I get this e-mail saying that I've been picked to be in 'Who's Who in Poetry' which is basically another 'Immortal Versus' only with a poem (they want a new one) and my bio. Knowing it's a scam I clicked on the link to send in a poem, just to spit them (a poem telling them exactly how I feel.) Lucky it wasn't excepted. I had to modify my poem because their was some 'unexceptable' words. Non of which I could find. But I do have the poem, so here it is:

Life's A Scam

This sites a scam
For which I fell
Much like my life.
Harmless it seams
But a trap is laid
The prey devoured.
Or so you though
But with a scream
I fight back.
Take that and that
See I fight back.
This site looks like one thing
But is another.
Rejection hurts
but makes your stronger
Failure hurts
When you let it happen.
This sites a scam
That numbs rejection
And makes failure real
For so many who fall
For the spiders web.
So people don't make the same mistake I did. Don't fall for poetry.com. They only want money (which lucky I haven't sent them. DON'T SEND THEM ANY!) Well that's my little rant/poem/info thing. Getting off now. Night all.